(Versión en español) Cultura anuncia ganadores del Premio Anual de Historia José Gabriel García
Eat a Lion at Travesías Santo Domingo, January 29, 2015 The Travesías restaurant and Reef Check Dominican Republic have opened the “Lionfish Week” in order to continue to innovate their culinary offerings and to promote the consumption of this invasive species that threatens the marine ecosystems of the Dominican Republic. Having adopted the slogan “Eat … Continue reading "Eat a Lion at Travesías"
Fiesta Sunset Jazz Begins its Sixth Jazz Season Up High Santo Domingo, January 27, 2015 On December 22, 2009, the Dominican Fiesta Hotel & Casino, in partnership with Jazz in Dominicana, created a new concept: the Fiesta Sunset Jazz. The opening of this new space took place with a concert by Franco-Dominican singer Cyrille-Aimée, and … Continue reading "Fiesta Sunset Jazz Begins its Sixth Jazz Season Up High"
Elsa Núñez receives with joy the National Plastic Arts Award Santo Domingo, January 27, 2015 “For me it was a surprise and I feel happy and grateful that the selection jury and the Minister of Culture, José Antonio Rodríguez, chose me as the National Plastic Arts Award,” said Elsa Núñez. The artist stated that she … Continue reading "Elsa Núñez receives with joy the National Plastic Arts Award"
«Twelve Glances at Ecuadoran Cinema» Santo Domingo, January 26, 2015 The Embassy of Ecuador in the Dominican Republic, the General Directorate of Film and its section, the Dominican Film Library, are hosting, since last Thursday, January 22, the international film festival «Doce Miradas del Cine Ecuatoriano» (Twelve Glances at Ecuadorian Cinema). Admission to the film … Continue reading "«Twelve Glances at Ecuadoran Cinema»"
Tourism Office in New York Invites to a Tourism Fair in the Jacob K. Convention Center New York, January 23, 2015 The office of the Ministry of Tourism of the Dominican Republic in New York invites the Dominican and Latin American communities, and the media, to participate, together with the Ministry, in this important tourism … Continue reading "Tourism Office in New York Invites to a Tourism Fair in the Jacob K. Convention Center"
The Tourism Cluster of the Puerto Plata Destination Invites to the First Victorian Evening of the Year Puerto Plata, January 23, 2015 January 30 is the date that has been chosen by the Tourism Cluster of the Puerto Plata Destination to hold the first Victorian Evening of this year. Once again, the event will take … Continue reading "The Tourism Cluster of the Puerto Plata Destination Invites to the First Victorian Evening of the Year"
The Documentary ¿Garbage or Resource? A Dominican Republic Experience Can Be Seen Online on GFDD’s ChannelWashington, January 21, 2015 Following its successful screening in 13 international festivals, ¿Garbage or Resource? A Dominican Republic Experience is now available online for free at Global Foundation for Democracy and Development’s (GFDD) Youtube Channel. The 17-minute documentary, produced by … Continue reading "The Documentary ¿Garbage or Resource? A Dominican Republic Experience Can Be Seen Online on GFDD’s Channel"
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UNA-DR and GFDD/Funglode Announce the Model United Nations in New YorkSanto Domigo, January 20, 2015 The United Nations Association of the Dominican Republic (UNA-DR) issued an invitation on Tuesday, January 20th, to participate in the tenth annual edition of the Dominican Model United Nations Conference in New York (NYDRMUN 2015). UNA-DR executives released the details … Continue reading "UNA-DR and GFDD/Funglode Announce the Model United Nations in New York"
Magic Inspection with Costa and Mundi ToursRomana, January 12, 2015 Carolyn Corrigan, Business Development Manager of Costa Cruises for the Dominican Republic market, is visiting the country. Along with Anita Armenteros and Angela Hooper Armenteros of Mundi Tours, Corrigan will visit one of the cruise ships of her company, which is currently in La Roma. … Continue reading "Magic Inspection with Costa and Mundi Tours"
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