(Versión en español) Cultura anuncia ganadores del Premio Anual de Historia José Gabriel García
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Globo Verde Dominicano to recognize films on environmental issuesSanto Domingo, República Dominicana, 5 de septiembre del 2014 Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) will recognize the production and distribution of films on climate change and sustainable development topics with the Globo Verde Dominicano Award 2014. This contest is an essential part of the Dominican … Continue reading "Globo Verde Dominicano to recognize films on environmental issues"
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V Pocket Theater Festival Launched!!!Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic September 3,l 2014 The Guloya Theater donned its finery to present the V Ibero-American Pocket Theater Festival 2014, in the Otto Coro hall from September 4th to the 28th. This edition of the festival comprises four outstanding theater performances that are all being staged by women who … Continue reading "V Pocket Theater Festival Launched!!!"
Ministry of Culture Gives Recognition to Mesón de Bari Restaurant Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, September 3, 2014 The Mesón de Bari restaurant, located in the heart of the Colonial City, was recognized by the Ministry of Culture for its exquisite and excellent contributions to the promotion of the traditional Creole cuisine in the Dominican Republic. … Continue reading "Ministry of Culture Gives Recognition to Mesón de Bari Restaurant"
Hamlet Captivated the Dominican Public at the National Theatre last SaturdaySanto Domingo, Dominican Republic, September 1, 2014 The classic tragedy by William Shakespeare, “Hamlet”, was enjoyed by the Dominican public during its free presentation at the National Theatre last Saturday. The presentation was sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and the Dominican Embassy in Great … Continue reading "Hamlet Captivated the Dominican Public at the National Theatre last Saturday"
Living Statues Festival Opens Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, September 1, 2014 The V Living Statues Festival opened at Plaza España in the Colonial City. The event was free to the public and was attended by the Vice Minister of Culture, Claudio Cohen, and Congressman Manuel Jiménez. The festival is organized by cultural managers Guillermo Liriano … Continue reading "Living Statues Festival Opens"
The Globe Presents Hamlet in the National Theater this Saturday Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, August 29 2014 SThis one-time presentation of the play in the country, which is scheduled to take place at 8:00 p.m., is included in the world tour that this English theater company has organized to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the … Continue reading "The Globe Presents Hamlet in the National Theater this Saturday"
Ministry of Culture Organizes Symposium About Pedro Henríquez UreñaSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic, August 28, 2014 The Ministry of Culture presented a symposium on “The First Seven Volumes of the Complete Works of Pedro Henríquez Ureña,” in Cuesta Centro del Libro, where two academics analyzed in depth the life and work of the Humanist. Núñez said … Continue reading "Ministry of Culture Organizes Symposium About Pedro Henríquez Ureña"
Vice President Inaugurates Fifth Technological Center for Users of the Metro of Santo DomingoSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic, August 28, 2014 This space was created with the purpose of giving youth and adults a place where they can use the Internet to search for information and do homework in an adequately strategic place that is located … Continue reading "Vice President Inaugurates Fifth Technological Center for Users of the Metro of Santo Domingo"
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