(Versión en español) Cultura anuncia ganadores del Premio Anual de Historia José Gabriel García
Ministry of Culture Conducts 3rd Event in the Framework of the Caribbean Cultural Corridor in the Southwestern Region San Juan de la Maguana, Dominican Republic, August 26, 2014 The 3rd event of the “The Afro-descendance in the Process of Formation of the Dominican Culture” series, held in the framework of the Caribbean Cultural Corridor, was … Continue reading "Ministry of Culture Conducts 3rd Event in the Framework of the Caribbean Cultural Corridor in the Southwestern Region"
Cultural Cluster: “Cinema as Brand”Santo Domingo, República Dominicana, 26 de agosto del 2014 The French Dominican Chamber of Commerce (CCDF) and the Association of Industries of the Dominica Republic (AIRD) Is pleased to invite you to: Seventh Sustainable Tertulia Cultural Cluster: “Cinema as Brand”. Guest lecturer: Humberto Castellanos Cultural Cluster Coordinator AIRD. Where: Quinta Dominica … Continue reading "Cultural Cluster: “Cinema as Brand”"
“Nuestra Señora de las Nubes” A show about exileSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic, August 20th, 2014 The Guloya Theatre will offer this weekend three presentations of its multiple award-winning play “NuestraSeñora de lasNubes (Our Lady of the Clouds)”,under the direction of Claudio Rivera. Performances will take place in the Otto Coro Hall, at its headquarters located … Continue reading "(Versión en español) ”Nuestra Señora de las Nubes” Un espectáculo sobre el exilio"
The Dominican Commissioner of Culture announces the creation of new cultural programs New York, August 20, 2014 The office of the Dominican Commissioner of Culture in the United States announced the creation of several new cultural programs and events that will take place during the 2014-2015 period. “Our goal is to disseminate all styles of … Continue reading "The Dominican Commissioner of Culture announces the creation of new cultural programs"
Oscar Abreu in the Cultural Souls Arts Fair in Miami, FloridaSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic, August 20th, 2014 Renowned Dominican Painter and Sculptor Oscar Abreu announced his most recent artistic endeavor that will be exhibited during the first edition of the Cultural Souls Arts Fair, which is both an ambitious and entrepreneurial project. The artist states … Continue reading "Oscar Abreu in the Cultural Souls Arts Fair in Miami, Florida"
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CODOCUL announces the opening of its first edition of the Popular Photo Contest for Dominicans “EXPRÉSATE” “EXPRÉSATE” Nueva York, August 18, 2014 The Ministryof Culture of the Dominican Republic, through the Dominican Cultural Commissioner in the United States(CODOCUL, by its Spanish acronym) announces the opening of the first edition of the Popular Photo Contest for … Continue reading "CODOCUL announces the opening of its first edition of the Popular Photo Contest for Dominicans “EXPRÉSATE” “EXPRÉSATE”"
Retro Jazz – Fall ConcertSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic, August 18th, 2014 The group promises to deliver a concert full of synergy between the musicians and the public During its concerts, the group has attained a soaring level of synergy with the public, in part thanks to the repertoire of songs that through the years has … Continue reading "Retro Jazz – Fall Concert"
Mexico: Economic reforms and current policiesSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic, August15th, 2014 The General Archive of the Nation Is pleased to invite you to the conference “Mexico: Economic reforms and current policies” Taught by Professor Otto Reyes FernándezWhere: Conference Room DNA Day: Tuesday August 26, 2014 Location: C / Modesto Diaz No.2. Zona Universitaria. Phone: 809-362-1111
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