(Versión en español) Cultura anuncia ganadores del Premio Anual de Historia José Gabriel García
The 8th Dominican Book Fair in New York was dedicated to writer Rei BerroaNew York, June 30, 2014 Because of his outstanding career as a writer and cultural manager, and his great contributions to Dominican literature through his essays and poetic work, the 8th Dominican Book Fair in New York will be dedicated to Dominican … Continue reading "The 8th Dominican Book Fair in New York was dedicated to writer Rei Berroa"
Guarocuya Félix states that the impact of the IPI on state revenue is negligibleBayahibe, La Romana, June 28, 2014 He assures that considering a thorough reform of the national office of land registry as the beginning of the fiscal pact is the only thing that will ensure the stability of the country’s tax structure. The … Continue reading "Guarocuya Félix states that the impact of the IPI on state revenue is negligible"
Pedro Henríquez Ureña characterized as a driving force of the Mexican revolutionSanto Domingo, June 28, 2014 “Pedro Henríquez Ureña, foreigner in homelands”, was the theme of the symposium in which scholars Leila Guerreiro from Argentina and Andrés L. Mateo from the Dominican Republic participated as panelists. In commemoration of the 130th anniversary of the birth … Continue reading "Pedro Henríquez Ureña characterized as a driving force of the Mexican revolution"
Soprano of the Teatro Orquestal Dominicano conquers the public on her debut at the National TheatreSanto Domingo, June 28, 2014 As a final note, the universal Dominican song,“Por Amor”, by Maestro Solano, was performed by the artist as a duet with legendary Dominican singer Niní Cáffaro. The debut of Janette Márquez Valerio, cast member of … Continue reading "Soprano of the Teatro Orquestal Dominicano conquers the public on her debut at the National Theatre"
The Office of the Vice President and Prosoli support the 2014 Orchestral ResidencySanto Domingo, June 28, 2014 This activity is a training exercise in which young Dominican musicians from various musical educational backgrounds (including both private and public) will receive international musical training. They will perform in several chamber music concerts, one of which will … Continue reading "The Office of the Vice President and Prosoli support the 2014 Orchestral Residency"
Culture and Education present awards for the “Dominicanidad” competitionSanto Domingo, June 26, 2014 The ministries of Culture and Education, in coordination with the Narciso González Cultural Center and Regional 15, presented the awards to the winners of the “Concursos por la Dominicanidad” (Competitions on the Dominican national identity). The competitions included the following categories: Poema … Continue reading "Culture and Education present awards for the “Dominicanidad” competition"
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Cinema Gala Premier and Forum Will Take Place at the MAMSanto Domingo, June 25, 2014 The Ministry of Culture, the Embassy of the United States, the Museum of Modern Art (MAM) and the General Directorate of Cinema will organize the “Foro Cine Latinoamericano: Necesidades, Apreciación y Visualización” (Latin American Cinema Forum: Needs, Assessment and Display). … Continue reading "Cinema Gala Premier and Forum Will Take Place at the MAM"
GFDD Attends the 3rd Annual Plasticity ForumNew York, June 24, 2014 On June 24th, the Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) joined the 3rd Annual Plasticity Forum, a one-day event examining the future of plastic, innovations in design and materials, all aimed at preventing plastic from becoming a waste product. The forum, which kicked … Continue reading "GFDD Attends the 3rd Annual Plasticity Forum"
Culture will Commemorate the 130th Anniversary of the Birth of Pedro Henríquez Ureña this ThursdaySanto Domingo, June 25, 2014 The program includes the symposium “Pedro Henríquez Ureña; extranjero en patrias” (Pedro Henriquez Ureña; a foreigner in homelands), by intellectuals Leila Guerriero, from Argentina, and Andrés L. Mateo, from the Dominican Republic. On the occasion of … Continue reading "Culture will Commemorate the 130th Anniversary of the Birth of Pedro Henríquez Ureña this Thursday"
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