(Versión en español) Cultura anuncia ganadores del Premio Anual de Historia José Gabriel García
The Embassy of the United States presents Jazz Without Borders in AprilSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic, 04/02/2014 In honor of the Jazz Appreciation Month, on April 2 – 4, the Embassy of the United States of America will present Jazz Without Borders on tour with Paul Austerlitz and his Dominican Ensemble.The compositions by Paul Austerlitz and … Continue reading "The Embassy of the United States presents Jazz Without Borders in April"
Progress in the tourism sector in Puerto Plata is reported in DATE 2014Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 03/27/2014 As part of the celebration of the fifteenth edition of the most important fair of Dominican tourism marketing, known as the Dominican Annual Tourism Exchange (DATE), and taking advantage of the presence at the event of authorities, tour … Continue reading "Progress in the tourism sector in Puerto Plata is reported in DATE 2014"
Keynote address “Life and work of Domingo Moreno Jimenes”Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 03/28/2014 Veteran writer Manuel Mora Serrano offered the keynote address entitled “Life and work of Domingo Moreno Jimenes”, as part of the in Pre-Opening events of the XVII International Book Fair Santo Domingo 2014 (FILRD14). In it, he noted that the Caribbean poet … Continue reading "Keynote address “Life and work of Domingo Moreno Jimenes”"
Presentation of the National Music Awards 2012Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 03/28/2014 The award offers 250 thousand pesos for each category. The Ministry of Culture presented the “National Music Awards 2012”, whose objective is to promote music-making in the Dominican Republic, in both the classical and popular forms.The event, which took place at 11:00 am at … Continue reading "Presentation of the National Music Awards 2012"
Dominican-French Chamber of Commerce will sponsor the debate: “When Prosperity is not Shared”, with lecturer Magdalena Lizardo, Deputy Minister of Economy, Planning and DevelopmentSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic, 03/28/2014 The Dominican-French Chamber of Commerce (CCDF) held the Sustainable Debate “When Prosperity is not Shared: The Weak Links between Growth and Equity in the Dominican Republic”, as … Continue reading "Dominican-French Chamber of Commerce will sponsor the debate: “When Prosperity is not Shared”, with lecturer Magdalena Lizardo, Deputy Minister of Economy, Planning and Development"
The Dominican National Ballet presents “Habitantes”Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 03/27/2014 With the presence of three famous personalities of the dance world, the Dominican National Ballet will open its spring season, which will take place on April 4 – 6 at the Palace of Fine Arts. They are French dancer Hervé Palito, Albanian Gentian Doda, and … Continue reading "The Dominican National Ballet presents “Habitantes”"
MARÍA UGARTE: Special Dedication at the 5th ÁGORA MALL Mini Book FairSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic, 03/272014 The 5th ÁGORA MALL MINI BOOK FAIR (FIL-AM) will hold a Special Dedication to writer, colonial researcher, journalism teacher, and promoter of literary generations MARÍA UGARTE on the occasion of the Commemoration of the centenary of her birth (1914-2014). … Continue reading "MARÍA UGARTE: Special Dedication at the 5th ÁGORA MALL Mini Book Fair"
Amarante Baret Recognizes Districts and Schools that Won Medals at the 2013 Quality AwardPuerto Plata, Dominican Republic, 03/26/2014 The Minister of Education, Mr. Carlos Amarante Baret, on Tuesday delivered award certificates and cash prizes equivalent to RD$1,750,000 to two School Districts and three schools that won bronze medals during the 2013 National Award for Quality … Continue reading "Amarante Baret Recognizes Districts and Schools that Won Medals at the 2013 Quality Award"
“Life and Work of Domingo Moreno Jimenes” will be Addressed at the 2014 FILRD Pre Opening Events Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, 03/25/2014 “Vida y obra de Domingo Moreno Jimenes” (Life and work of Domingo Moreno Jimenes) is the title of the conference that is part of the Pre-Opening events of the XVII International Book Fair … Continue reading "“Life and Work of Domingo Moreno Jimenes” will be Addressed at the 2014 FILRD Pre Opening Events"
Chamber of Commerce launches project “Puerto Plata Cruise City”Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, 03/25/2014 The Chamber of Commerce and Production of Puerto Plata presented, through a press conference that took place on Wednesday, the Project “Puerto Plata Cruise City” A Commitment of All! This is a fully collaborative initiative with which the institution seeks to coordinate … Continue reading "Chamber of Commerce launches project “Puerto Plata Cruise City”"
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