(Versión en español) Cultura anuncia ganadores del Premio Anual de Historia José Gabriel García
Course Announcement: Specialization in Caribbean History and Introduction to Historical Research Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 07/24/2013 Classes will be held at the Nation’s General Archive, twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, between 5:00 pm and 9:00 pm. The course will begin on the third Tuesday in September, 2013.
AAVA Dominicana’s Official Closure of the First Summer Camp for Students from San José de Los Mogotes Public SchoolSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic 7/23/2013 AAVA Dominicana celebrated the completion of the First Summer Camp for Students from the San José de Los Mogotes Public School with a formal closing ceremony on July 13 that was attended … Continue reading "AAVA Dominicana’s Official Closure of the First Summer Camp for Students from San José de Los Mogotes Public School"
Police Chief Receives Representative of Canadian Human Rights OrganizationSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic 7/22/2013 Police Chief, Major General Manuel Castro Castillo received the Chief of Mission of the International Human Rights Organization, Canadian Human Rights, Félix Tena, in his office recently. Félix Tena wished Police Chief Castro Castillo total success in his job and took the … Continue reading "Police Chief Receives Representative of Canadian Human Rights Organization"
Alex Ferreira releases his new video “Camino Raro” in MexicoSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic 7/23/2013 When mentioning the names of the great Dominican artists that are conducting interesting work at the international level, positioning their music in places where it is uncommon to see the tricolor flag flying, we must mention Alex Ferreira. The artist is … Continue reading "Alex Ferreira releases his new video “Camino Raro” in Mexico"
The first Publisher of E-Books in the Dominican Republic is announcedSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic 7/23/2013 The first publisher of e-books – digital books – in the country, Luna Insomne Editores, a project of Poet and Editor Luis Reynaldo Pérez, announced its first book catalog, which will be available starting on Monday, July 22nd, to users of Kindle. … Continue reading "The first Publisher of E-Books in the Dominican Republic is announced"
New Education Minister Urges all Sectors to Back Ministry ProjectsSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic 7/22/2013 The new Minister of Education, Doctor Carlos Amarante Baret, said education is everyone’s job and that it should take priority over individual interests. He appealed to teachers, students and all of society to get involved in this important project. “We want to … Continue reading "New Education Minister Urges all Sectors to Back Ministry Projects"
Education Ministry Hands Over Unprecedented Sum of Resources to Decentralized School DistrictsSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic 7/21/2013 The Ministry of Education’s second transfer of funds this year to the Decentralized School Districts represents the largest handover of resources to these organizations since the promulgation of the General Education Law 66-97 in 16 years. This is part … Continue reading "Education Ministry Hands Over Unprecedented Sum of Resources to Decentralized School Districts"
Murals Made from Recycled Materials Being Made in Historical Center of Puerto PlataSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic7/19/2013 As part of the FOMIN project “Tourism Programs Based on Cultural Resources,” which is underway as part of the Tourism Cluster of Puerto Plata, artist ChecoMerettedio began the first of several murals that will be made out of recycled … Continue reading "Murals Made from Recycled Materials Being Made in Historical Center of Puerto Plata"
Jury of the 27th National Biennial of Visual Arts is announcedSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic 7/18/2013 The Ministry of Culture, the Museum of Modern Art (MAM) and the Organizing Committee of the 27th National Biennial of Visual Arts Santo Domingo 2013, in accordance with the provisions of the bases of this remarkable event, announced the names … Continue reading "Jury of the 27th"
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