(Versión en español) Cultura anuncia ganadores del Premio Anual de Historia José Gabriel García
Recruiting Professionals from Colombia and the Dominican Republic!Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, November 27, 2012 The Legislative Fellows Program is recruiting Colombians and Dominicans to participate in a professional exchange, for a period of 6 weeks, between April and June, 2013. Deadline: Thursday, December 20, 2012. The fellowships program will take place in a host organization focusing on … Continue reading "Recruiting Professionals from Colombia and the Dominican Republic!"
Culture launches Aisha Syed’s Latin PassionDominican Republic, Santo Domingo, December 19, 2012 Musicians, artists and large crowds enthusiastically attended the debut of the musical production “Latin Passion”, by virtuoso violinist Aisha Syed.The event took place at the La Rotonda de Bellas Artes hall, and was organized by the Ministry of Culture, the Department of Fine … Continue reading "Culture launches Aisha Syed’s Latin Passion"
MINC and the Progresando con Solidaridad program announced the winners of the Crafts and Nativity Scenes contestDominican Republic, Santo Domingo, December 18, 2012 The Ministry of Culture (MINC) and the Progresando con Solidaridad (Advancing with Solidarity) programof the officeof the VicePresident, announced the winners of the Crafts and Nativity Scenes contest, which was conducted within … Continue reading "MINC and the Progresando con Solidaridad program announced the winners of the Crafts and Nativity Scenes contest"
Former President Fernández opens the Arab-Latin American ForumAbu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates,December 18, 2012 The former President of the Dominican Republic, Dr. Leonel Fernández, delivered the key note address on Sunday during the opening of the International Arab-Latin American Forum, which is taking place in this city with the participation of representatives of several Middle … Continue reading "Former President Fernández opens the Arab-Latin American Forum"
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Culture and CONADIS organize workshop on the rights of persons with disabilitiesDominican Republic, Santo Domingo, December 17, 2012 The Directorate of Special Projects of the Ministry of Culture, in coordination with the National Council on Disability (CONADIS for its acronym in Spanish), organized the “Workshop on the rights of people with disabilities and their treatment … Continue reading "Culture and CONADIS organize workshop on the rights of persons with disabilities"
The Ministry of Culture will convert the recently closed prison of La Romana into a Cultural VillageDominican Republic, Santo Domingo, December 17, 2012 The National Army handed over the old building which housed the now closed Santa Rosa de Lima prisonto the Ministry of Culture. The Minister of Culture, José Antonio Rodríguez,received the keys to … Continue reading "The Ministry of Culture will convert the recently closed prison of La Romana into a Cultural Village"
MINERD presents presidential goals for quality educationDominican Republic, Santo Domingo December 13, 2012 MINERD presentedthe presidential goals for quality education.With the aim of complying with President Danilo Medina’s initiative on follow up and monitoringof policies and activitiesundertaken by the ministries in the framework of the Presidential Goals, the Ministry of Education (MINERD) presented to the … Continue reading "MINERD presents presidential goals for quality education"
Minister of Culture meets with playwrights and theater artistsDominican Republic, Santo Domingo, December 12, 2012 Singer and composer José Antonio Rodríguez, Minister of Culture, raised the need for a Dominican theatrical repertoire for next year, during a meeting with national playwrights and theater artists. He suggested the adaptation of various works for the sole purpose of … Continue reading "Minister of Culture meets with playwrights"
The Internal Revenue announces that it will easethe conditions to meet eligibility under Tax Amnesty Law 309-12Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, December 13, 2012 Forms are available through www.dgii.gov.do, as well as at the local DGIIoffices, the headquarters of the Taxpayer Assistance Center, and soon also through the Virtual Office. In this regard, the Internal Revenue warns … Continue reading "The Internal Revenue announces that it will easethe conditions to meet eligibility under Tax Amnesty Law 309-12"
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