(Versión en español) Cultura anuncia ganadores del Premio Anual de Historia José Gabriel García
The Minister of Culture sings to show gratitude for the support received by the 2012 Eighth Espaillat FairDominican Republic, MOCA, Espaillat Province, November 18, 2012 As a gesture of gratitude towards the Mocaresidents for the support they have provided to the Eighth Regional Book Fair, the Minister of Culture, José Antonio Rodríguez, offered a concert … Continue reading "The Minister of Culture sings to show gratitude for the support received by the 2012 Eighth Espaillat Fair"
Filming of the “Cristo Rey” movie continuesDominican Republic, Santo Domingo, November 18, 2012 Directed by Leticia Tonosand produced by Sergio Gobbi and Joan Giacinti. “We wanted to tell a story and focused on the quality of the interpretation while supporting ourselves on a sustainable script that allows the viewer to delve into the plot and … Continue reading "Filming of the “Cristo Rey” movie continues"
The 5th Edition of the Extended Museum Night has been scheduledDominican Republic, Santo Domingo, November 16, 2012 The celebration of the Dominican Museums has been scheduled for Saturday, December 8, from 9 am until 12 midnight.On that day, 20 museums will open their doors to celebrate the Extended Museum Nightin style. Under the leadership of … Continue reading "The 5th Edition of the Extended Museum Night has been scheduled"
Winners of the XI BIASD are selectedDominican Republic, Santo Domingo, November 16, 2012 The Ministry of Culture, in coordination with the Museum of Modern Art, the Embassy of Spain, the Nuevarquitectura Inc. Group (GNA for its acronym in Spanish), the CODIA, and the Society of Architects of the Dominican Republic (SARDfor its acronym in Spanish) … Continue reading "Winners of the XI BIASD are selected"
USAID and the Dominican Institute for Integral Development Support the Capotillo YouthDominican Republic, Santo Domingo, November 16, 2012 Today, in the Capotilloneighborhood, theMinister Counselor of the Embassy of the United States, Daniel L. Foote,presented the AlertaJoven (Youth Alert) program of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).The program will benefit 25,000 at risk youth in … Continue reading "USAID and the Dominican Institute for Integral Development Support the Capotillo Youth"
The Ministry of Culture releases six books during the VIII Regional Book FairDominican Republic, Santo Domingo, November 16, 2012 The Ministry of Culture, within the framework of the Regional Book Fair Espaillat 2012, makes a contribution to the literature of the northern region with the release of 6 new books. The books are: “Bronces de … Continue reading "The Ministry of Culture releases six books during the VIII Regional Book Fair"
Ministry of Culture recognizes several individuals for their valuable literary contributionsDominican Republic, Santo Domingo, November 14, 2012 The Ministry of Culture, within the framework of the Regional Book Fair Espaillat 2012, recognized several individuals and institutions from the northern region for their valuable contributions to Dominican literature and culture. The awardsceremony took place during the … Continue reading "Ministry of Culture recognizes several individuals for their valuable literary contributions"
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Painting and sculpture exhibit “Encuentro entre dos siglos” will openDominican Republic, Santo Domingo, November 14, 2012 “Encuentro entre dos siglos (Encounter between two centuries)” is the title of the exhibit that, as part of the program of activities of the VIII Regional Book Fair Espaillat 2012, the Ministry of Culture (MINC) and the Baret Art … Continue reading "Painting and sculpture exhibit “Encuentro entre dos siglos” will open"
Israeli Experts Teach Workshop “Women Entrepreneurship in the Dominican Republic”Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, November 13, 2012 Based on the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The duration of the workshop was one week and it was based on the importance of gender equality for socio-economic development, the eradication of poverty and equal opportunities for women, … Continue reading "Israeli Experts Teach Workshop “Women Entrepreneurship in the Dominican Republic”"
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