(Versión en español) Cultura anuncia ganadores del Premio Anual de Historia José Gabriel García
The United Nations Foundation, Mashable and 92Y Prizes for the Second Annual Social Well-Being Summit in New YorkNew York. NY 10/6/2011 Dominican First Lady, Margarita Cedeño de Fernández, received recognition for her commitment and efforts in democratizing Information and Communication Technology (ICT) through the Technology Communication Centers (TCC) as well as for promoting new media … Continue reading "The United Nations Foundation, Mashable and 92Y Prizes for the Second Annual Social Well-Being Summit in New York"
Alianza Francesa Santo Domingo Santo Domingo, República Dominicana 06/10/2011 Se complace en invitarle a la Exposición “Esculturas y Pinturas Recientes”de Randel Castellanos. Los esperamos este 6 de Octubre 2011 a partir de las 7:00 PM en la Sala de Exposiciones de la Alianza Francesa
OAS No-Interest Student Loans and Scholarships Available for Research, Study and Training in USASanto Domingo, Dominican Republic 10/4/2011 The Organization of American States, through its Department of Human Development, Education and Culture is pleased announce it is offering the following higher education opportunities for the development of students in the region. Spaces and openings are … Continue reading "OAS No-Interest Student Loans and Scholarships Available for Research, Study and Training in USA"
Más sectores pasan a recibir 24 Horas de Luz en zona de EDESUR Santo Domingo, República Dominicana 06/10/2011 Alianzas con juntas de vecinos de la zona de Pantoja, Los Ríos, Los Alcarrizos, La Agustina y Ensanche La Fe, facilitaron mejorar los cobros y reducir las pérdidas, para que más de 5 mil familias pasaran de … Continue reading "Más sectores pasan a recibir 24 Horas de Luz en zona de EDESUR"
Opening of XXXVI Annual Edition of School Song MonthSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic 10/6/2011 The Ministry of Education (MINERD) and the Office of the First Lady officially opened School Song Month in an event headed by Minister of Education, Josefina Pimentel, and Dominican First Lady, Margarita Cedeño de Fernández. The event was held on Monday October … Continue reading "Opening of"
Premio Pintura Casa de Teatro 2011Santo Domingo, República Domincana 06/10/2011 Invitamos a todos los artistas hispanoamericanos, a participar de este concurso que permitirá conocer no solo la habilidad artística sino se premiará a las mejores muestras. Mayor información en el flyer a continuación,
President Fernández Heads Inauguration of Perelló Cultural Center in BaniSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic 10/4/2011 The Perelló Cultural Center (PPC in Spanish), created by the Perelló Foundation, the most important private social responsibility initiative in the field of culture in the Southeast of the country, was inaugurated at a special ceremony headed by President Leonel Fernández. … Continue reading "President Fernández Heads Inauguration of Perelló Cultural Center in Bani"
Directorate of Community Participation of MINERD Announces Restructuring of the Parent Teacher AssociationsDominican Republic, Santo Domingo 9/26/2011 The General Directorate of Community Participation of the Ministry of Education (MINERD in Spanish) announced the completion of restructuring the directives of the Association of Parents, Mentors and Friends of Schools (APMAE in Spanish) as well as the … Continue reading "Directorate of Community Participation of MINERD Announces Restructuring of the Parent Teacher Associations"
Students from Socorro Sánchez School Enjoy the Pombo Group at the Children´s Library of the Dominican RepublicSanto Domingo, Domincan Republic 10/4/2011 A group of 150 students from the Socorro Sánchez School enjoyed the performance given by Colombia´s Pombo Group at the Children´s Library of the Dominican Republic (BIJRD in Spanish). A group of 150 students … Continue reading "Students from Socorro Sánchez School Enjoy the Pombo Group at the Children´s Library of the Dominican Republic"
Estudiantes de Los Ríos reciben instrumentos para su Banda de MúsicaSanto Domingo, República Domincana 04/10/2011 Los estudiantes de la Escuela Básica Fray Ramón Pané recibieron de manos de la primera dama, doctora Margarita Cedeño de Fernández, los instrumentos para su Banda de Música, que les ayudará en su formación intelectual, espiritual y en el desarrollo … Continue reading "Estudiantes de Los Ríos reciben instrumentos para su Banda de Música"
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