(Versión en español) Cultura anuncia ganadores del Premio Anual de Historia José Gabriel García
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Culture Ministry Graduates Group of Cultural JournalistsSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic, 9/3/2011 The Ministry of Culture (MINC in Spanish), through the General Directorate of Training and Formation, celebrated the graduation of forty two communicators who participated in the First Cultural Journalism Degree. “In these times, where these cultural spaces are disappearing in the media, these types … Continue reading "Culture Ministry Graduates Group of Cultural Journalists"
Dominican Republic Participates in International Meeting on African AncestrySanto Domingo, Dominican Republic, 9/3/2011 The Dominican Republic participated in the first Ibero-American Meeting of Cultures and Communities of African Ancestry, held in Cali, Colombia on August 23-24. The meeting, which hosted numerous political and cultural leaders as well as representatives from 15 countries, is part of … Continue reading "Dominican Republic Participates in International Meeting on African Ancestry"
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Dominican First Lady Tours the Social Security Institute of the Armed ForcesSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic, 9/4/2011 First Lady Margarita Cedeño de Fernández, honored for her support of the organization, toured the Social Security Institute of the Armed Forces (ISSFFAA in Spanish), accompanied by Brigadier General Edyson Marte Vásquez, E.N. (DEM). They made stops at the … Continue reading "Dominican First Lady Tours the Social Security Institute of the Armed Forces"
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Biblioteca Infantil Juvenil República Dominicana celebrará el Segundo Concurso de Deletreo en septiembreRepública Dominicana, Santo Domingo 02/09/2011 El certamen tiene el objetivo de promover el aprendizaje del idioma español, la excelencia ortográfica, la ampliación del vocabulario y estimular la capacidad de observación Los ganadores serán quienes alcancen los tres primeros lugares en cada categoría a … Continue reading "Biblioteca Infantil Juvenil República Dominicana celebrará el Segundo Concurso de Deletreo en septiembre"
Remodeled Children´s Values Park at the Dominican Medical College Ready for UseSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic 9/3/2011 The park was remodeled and equipped at a cost of $ 1,650.748.52 Dominican pesos with children´s educational games, toys and equipment that will help to develop their skills and coordination while having fun. Pleased to be providing a space … Continue reading "Remodeled Children´s Values Park at the Dominican Medical College Ready for Use"
El MINERD, el MAP y a la ADP firman convenio para fortalecer carrera docenteRepública Dominicana, Santo Domingo 02/09/2011 Los ministerios de Educación (MINERD) y de Administración Pública (MAP), y la Asociación Dominicana de Profesores (ADP) firmaron un convenio mediante el cual se comprometen a desarrollar actividades que conduzcan al fortalecimiento institucional y a la puesta … Continue reading "El MINERD, el MAP y a la ADP firman convenio para fortalecer carrera docente"
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