(Versión en español) Cultura anuncia ganadores del Premio Anual de Historia José Gabriel García
Ministry of Education focuses on improving nutrition standards in the School Feeding ProgramDominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 22/07/2011 The Ministry of Education (MINERD) is gearing to start a program for improving the nutritional level of its School Feeding Program, Programa de Alimentación Escolar (PAE), said the vice minister in charge of Student Wellbeing, Susana Michel. The … Continue reading "Ministry of Education focuses on improving nutrition standards in the School Feeding Program"
Hotel Meliá Santo Domingo is certified by Higiene MáximaSanto Domingo,Dominican Republic, 07/23/2011 Higiene Máxima (HIMAX) is a certificate issued to hotels which are considered to be free of all sanitary risks The acknowledgement was received by the General Manager of hotel Meliá Santo Domingo, Mr. Roberto Henríquez, and presented by the Regional Director for Hima, … Continue reading "Hotel Meliá Santo Domingo is certified by Higiene Máxima"
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Culture Ministry Gives $18 Million Pesos to the National Symphony OrchestraSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic, 07/25/2011 The Dominican Ministry of Culture gave $18 million pesos to the National Symphony Orchestra (NSO) to offset expenses incurred as part of the Orchestra´s general restructuring process, which began in 2009. “The National Symphony Orchestra, with each passing day, is … Continue reading "Culture Ministry Gives $18 Million Pesos to the National Symphony Orchestra"
Ministerio de Educación extiende plazo para que los centros educativos privados presenten pruebas sobre sus costos República Dominicana, Santo Domingo, 21/07/2011 El Ministerio de Educación (MINERD) extendió hasta el 3 de agosto el plazo otorgado a los centros educativos privados para que presenten las pruebas documentales que demuestren las inversiones realizadas y las alzas experimentadas … Continue reading "Ministerio de Educación extiende plazo para que los centros educativos privados presenten pruebas sobre sus costos"
Third “National Pediatrician Award” was handed outSanto Domingo,Dominican Republic, 07/21/2011 The award was handed out in the spirit that acknowledging one who is deserving is pleasant and motivating, because it allows us to highlight values and qualities that differentiate certain person and make him/her a role model. For a third consecutive year, the office of … Continue reading "Third “National Pediatrician Award” was handed out"
Asociación de Cronistas de Artes (Acroarte) Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD)República Dominicana, Santo Domingo, 21/07/2011 Tienen el placer de invitarle al “Conversando con Acroarte”, titulado “Importancia mediática del periodismo de espectáculos”, que impartirá el Dr. Rafael Molina Morillo, director del periódico El Día. Martes 26 de Julio, a las 6:00 p.m., en la Sala … Continue reading "Asociación de Cronistas de Artes (Acroarte) Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD)"
Cultura presentará gran espectáculo de danza folklórica en Plaza España República Dominicana, Santo Domingo, 21/07/2011 El Ministerio de Cultura (MINC) y el Ballet Folklórico Nacional Dominicano presentarán el espectáculo “Folklore en cuerpo y alma”, el próximo sábado 30, en la Plaza España. Folklore en cuerpo y alma”, es un espectáculo didáctico cultural, que pretende incentivar … Continue reading "Cultura presentará gran espectáculo de danza folklórica en Plaza España"
Man and Biosphere Committee Sworn InSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic, 06/21/2011 UNESCO representative in the Dominican Republic, Alberto Hernández, was sworn in to the Man and Biosphere (MAB) Committee which will coordinate the conservation and sustainable development management of the Jaragua-Bahoruco-Enriquillo Biosphere Reserve. This committee will also manage the technical and financial support for the implementation … Continue reading "Man and Biosphere Committee Sworn In"
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