(Versión en español) Cultura anuncia ganadores del Premio Anual de Historia José Gabriel García
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First National Library Congress to be Held in Dominican Republic Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo 07/02/2011 The Ministry of Culture (MINC) will hold the First National Library and Documentation Center Congress with the goal of coordinating the country’s National Library System. In addition, there will be two interesting workshops available on basic library organization, administrative and … Continue reading "First National Library Congress to be Held in Dominican Republic"
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Diplomatic Relations with the Kyrgyz Republic, completes the formalization of bilateral relationsNew Delhi, June 30, 2011. In accordance with the policy of diversification of Diplomatic Relations with the world, President Dr. Leonel Fernández and Foreign Affairs Minister, Eng. Carlos Morales Troncoso, the Dominican Republic and the Kyrgyz Republic today formalized the establishment of diplomatic relations … Continue reading "Diplomatic Relations with the Kyrgyz Republic, completes the formalization of bilateral relations"
National Forum on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo 06/28/2011 The Ministry of Culture organized a forum with international experts from Spain, Mexico, Honduras and the Dominican Republic to discuss UNESCO’s 2001 Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage. The experts discussed and shared their experiences from their respective countries. … Continue reading "National Forum on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage"
MINC se suma al evento cultural Arte Miches 2011República Dominicana, Santo Domingo 30/06/2011 El Ministerio de Cultura (MINC) apoyó la celebración de la Semana Cultural Arte Miches, evento que se efectúa, durante el mes de junio, en esa misma localidad de la provincia del Seybo. El festival benefició a los adultos y a los más … Continue reading "MINC se suma al evento cultural Arte Miches 2011"
Over 20,000 People Enjoyed VII International Theater Festival República Dominicana, Santo Domingo 06/28/2011 The Ministry of Culture officially closed the VII International Theater Festival of Santo Domingo 2011 at the Máximo Avilés Blonda Hall in the Palace of Fine Arts. This year’s Festival was dedicated to Iván García and Rodolfo Santana. The closing ceremony was … Continue reading "Over 20,000 People Enjoyed VII International Theater Festival"
Getting Ready for Eco-Marathon 2011Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo 06/28/2011 Orange Telecommunications and the Ministry of the Environment announced this year’s Eco-Marathon 2011, which will take place in July and August in various ecological parks around the country. The marathons are part of a series of different activities being held this summer in the protected environmental … Continue reading "Getting Ready for Eco-Marathon 2011"
XVII Anniversary of the Virgilio Díaz Grullón Literary Workshop CURSA-UASDRepública Dominicana, Santo Domingo 28/06/2011 Once again, the Virgilio Díaz Grullón Literary Workshop of the Regional University Center of Santiago (CURSA) and the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD), in connection with the Cultural Department of the UASD, are celebrating their Seventeenth Anniversary with their Annual … Continue reading "XVII Anniversary of the Virgilio Díaz Grullón Literary Workshop CURSA-UASD"
Cultura desarrolla Asaltos de Lectura República Dominicana, Santo Domingo 28/06/2011 Con el fin de acercar la lectura a la ciudadanía, el Ministerio de Cultura (MINC), a través de la Dirección del Plan Quinquenal del Libro y la Lectura, lleva a cabo el programa Asalto de Lectura, que consiste en la lectura dramatizada de fragmentos de … Continue reading "Cultura desarrolla Asaltos de Lectura"
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