(Versión en español) Cultura anuncia ganadores del Premio Anual de Historia José Gabriel García
First Lady, Carl Lewis and Young Leaders Plant Trees in the Bosque de los ValoresDominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 06/14/2011 “I am very happy and very proud that Carl is here with us in his capacity as Goodwill Ambassador of the FAO. I believe it is an act of marvelous altruism that he has placed his … Continue reading "First Lady, Carl Lewis and Young Leaders Plant Trees in the Bosque de los Valores"
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Dominican Tourism Press Association Suggests Multi-Sector Cholera Management Approach Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 13/06/2011 “is very sensitive to the inappropriate management of information and that the Dominican Republic, as a leading Caribbean tourism destination, has major competitors who are prepared to take advantage and exploit any circumstance to weaken and gain advantage from the DR … Continue reading "Dominican Tourism Press Association Suggests Multi-Sector Cholera Management Approach"
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Santiago se llena de arte con jornadas culturalesRepública Dominicana, Santo Domingo, 11/06/2011 El Viceministerio de Cultura para la Región Norte, en conjunto con las Federaciones de Juntas de Vecinos, desarrollará varias Jornadas Culturales en distintos municipios de la Ciudad de Santiago. Los representantes de las Federaciones de Juntas de Vecinos son los responsables de los … Continue reading "Santiago se llena de arte con jornadas culturales"
Condecoran al jurista José Silié Gatón con la Orden del Mérito de DuarteRepública Dominicana, Santo Domingo, 10/06/2011 El presidente de la República, Leonel Fernández, condecoró a José Silié Gatón, doctor en Derecho, con la Orden del Mérito de Duarte, Sánchez y Mella, en el Grado de Comendador, por su trayectoria profesional y de vida. “Para … Continue reading "Condecoran al jurista José Silié Gatón con la Orden del Mérito de Duarte"
President Orders Assistance to Communities Affected by RainstormsDominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 06/10/2011 President Leonel Fernández ordered assistance to those communities affected by the recent rainstorms that have drenched the entire country, damaging the agricultural sector and homes, making thousands homeless in the provinces of Sánchez Ramírez, Santiago and Dajabón. Calderón indicated that assistance to the … Continue reading "President Orders Assistance to Communities Affected by Rainstorms"
Eleven Countries and Many Groups to Attend VII International Theater Festival Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 06/10/2011 A total of 45 theater groups from 11 countries will take part this year in the VII International Theater Festival of Santo Domingo which will begin on Thursday June 16 until Sunday June 26. The Festival is being organized … Continue reading "Eleven Countries and Many Groups to Attend VII International Theater Festival"
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