(Versión en español) Cultura anuncia ganadores del Premio Anual de Historia José Gabriel García
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President Ponders Latin American Integration Efforts Dominican President Leonel Fernández highlighted the historic efforts underway to achieve Latin American integration as well as participation in the search for solutions of common problems in the region, citing contributions made by the Contadora and Rio Groups. Notwithstanding, he recognized it is necessary to apply a common agenda … Continue reading "President Ponders Latin American Integration Efforts"
President Fernández Proposes Comprehensive Socio-Economic Development Plan for Haiti Dominican President, Leonel Fernández, called on the international community to implement a long-term, sustainable economic and social development plan to help Haiti recover not just from the January 12th earthquake but also from the historic poverty it has always faced. “I think if there is willingness … Continue reading "President Fernández Proposes Comprehensive Socio-Economic Development Plan for Haiti"
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Tourism Minister Signs Agreement with Italian Tour Operators and Airlines Dominican Tourism Minister, Francisco Javier García, signed agreements of cooperation and reinforced already existing agreements with Italy’s main tour operators and airlines with the idea of confirming and expanding the diversity of the Dominican Republic as a destination in this European nation. García said his … Continue reading "Tourism Minister Signs Agreement with Italian Tour Operators and Airlines"
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President Fernández Arrives in Mexico for Rio Group Summit MeetingDominican President Leonel Fernández arrived in Mexico on Sunday to attend the Rio Summit where they will discuss the future of Haiti, among other issues. The President arrived at the international airport in Cancun at 5:45 PM Mexico time where he was greeted by Dominican … Continue reading "President Fernández Arrives in Mexico for Rio Group Summit Meeting"
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