(Versión en español) Cultura anuncia ganadores del Premio Anual de Historia José Gabriel García
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IMF Approves Stand-By Arrangement with Dominican Republic The Central Bank of the Dominican Republic announced that the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) approved the Stand-By Arrangement with the Dominican Republic. With this new accord, the DR will immediately receive $300 million dollars from the IMF… The accord, in effect for a period … Continue reading "IMF Approves Stand-By Arrangement with Dominican Republic"
New Culture Commissioner Named in United States Carlos Humberto Sánchez Morel was sworn in as the new Culture Commissioner in a ceremony held at the headquarters of the Ministry of Culture in New York Sánchez, a well-known theater person and cultural activist, called on all artists and cultural groups to present proposals and creative ideas … Continue reading "New Culture Commissioner Named in United States"
Not One but Four Gala Inaugurations The III Dominican Global Film Festival will officially open in style in four different Dominican cities at the same time. Santo Domingo, Puerto Plata, Santiago and Nagua will each be holding their own inauguration ceremony and premiering a different film in each of the four venues. The opening in … Continue reading "Not One but Four Gala Inaugurations"
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