(Versión en español) Cultura anuncia ganadores del Premio Anual de Historia José Gabriel García
Embajada inicia Semanas de España en seis ciudades de República Dominicana Santo Domingo, 11 de octubre de 2019.-La Embajada de España dio inicio, el martes, a la séptima versión de “Semanas de España en República Dominicana”, desde el 8 de octubre hasta el 11 de noviembre, en Santo Domingo, Santiago, Baní, Bonao, Constanza e Higüey. … Continue reading "(Versión en español) Embajada inicia Semanas de España en seis ciudades de República Dominicana"
Santo Domingo, October 11, 2019 – The Ministry of Culture of the Dominican Republic commemorated on Saturday, October 12, the 527th anniversary of the arrival of Admiral Christopher Columbus to America in 1492. The arrival is known as the meeting of two worlds, an event that changed the history of humanity forever. The event, hosted … Continue reading "Ministry of Culture Commemorates 527 Anniversary of the Arrival of Christopher Columbus to America"
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Santo Domingo October 7, 2019 – The Dominican Republic has taken an important step in approving its first Sponsorship Law. The law was approved by Dominican President Danilo Medina last September. Through Law 340-19, the country will now have a legal framework to encourage cultural sponsorship. The law will favor artists, cultural agents and organizations … Continue reading "Sponsorship Law Will Favorably Impact Cultural Development in the Dominican Republic"
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Santo Domingo, October 8, 2019 – The National Lyrical Company recently held a concert featuring well-known opera arias to honor Dominican tenor Francisco Chaín Casanova. The event took place on October 14 at the Palace of Fine Arts, just days after the news of his passing was announced. The country’s top lyrical singers, members of … Continue reading "Classical Singers Come Together to Honor Dominican Tenor Francisco Chaín Casanova"
Santo Domingo, October 4, 2019 – The recently held “Music from Within” concert, headed by Dominican jazz group Pengbian Sang & Retro Jazz, successfully exceeded all expectations when the venue was filled to capacity with jazz and regular music lovers. The event, held at the Manuel Rueda Hall in Santo Domingo, on Friday, September 27 … Continue reading "Pengbian Sang & Retro Jazz and his “Music From Within” Concert Motivated Music Lovers Regardless of Age or Social Class"
Santo Domingo, October 2, 2019 – The General Director of the Dominican Republic’s Annual Book Fair, Ruth Herrera, announced through a press statement that the Ministry of Culture will hold a special writing contest where writers from the Monte Plata region – situated in the country’s northeast region – will be able to present their … Continue reading "Monte Plata Province Announces 15th Annual Regional Book Fair 2019"
Santo Domingo, September 30, 2019 – The third concert of the 2019 Symphony Season took place last Thursday in the main hall of Santo Domingo’s National Theater. The concert was dedicated to the music of Maestro José Antonio Molina, current director of the National Symphony Orchestra. The Carlos Piantini Concert Hall was filled to capacity, … Continue reading "Third Concert of the 2019 Symphony Season Highlights the Music of Maestro José Antonio Molina"
Dance lovers will have the opportunity to learn more about this specific art form by attending workshops, panel discussions and special recitals directed by Dominican and foreign experts. Santo Domingo, September 27, 2019 – Dominican dancer and choreographer Edmundo Poy, creator of the “International Festival of Contemporary Dance,” announced that this year the Festival will … Continue reading "Alternative Spaces to Celebrate Dance in “EDANCO 2019”"
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