(Versión en español) Cultura anuncia ganadores del Premio Anual de Historia José Gabriel García
Pengbian Sang & Retro Jazz – Con la Música por Dentro Santo Domingo, 3 de septiembre de 2019.-El viernes 27 y sábado 28 de septiembre Pengbian Sang & Retro Jazz entregarán por vez primera, no uno sino dos conciertos ¨Con la Música Por Dentro será presentado en la remodelada Sala Manuel Rueda. Esta especial entrega … Continue reading "(Versión en español) Pengbian Sang & Retro Jazz – Con la Música por Dentro"
Electoral Process Took Place at the Dominican College of Journalists Santo Domingo, September 3, 2019 – Dominican journalist Claudine Nova was recently elected as the new president of the Dominican Association of Social Journalists. The elections were held at the main offices of the country´s Dominican College of Journalists. Journalist Nova will head the Association … Continue reading "Claudine Nova is Elected New President of the Dominican Association of Social Journalists (ADCS)"
The event is scheduled to take place between September 13-15. Fourteen experts in different areas of communication will share their experiences and will provide orientation on the new tendencies currently being used to communicate with the general public, as well as improve oratory skills. Santo Domingo, September 8, 2019 – The Dominican Oratory and Debate … Continue reading "Dominican Oratory Society (SODODE) and Funglode Announce Upcoming First Communication and Oratory Congress"
Santo Domingo, August 29, 2019 – Santo Domingo´s National Theater recently celebrated its 46th year anniversary with a historic lyrical gala event. World famous Mexican tenor Ramón Vargas and distinguished Dominican soprano Nathalie Peña Comas delighted the audience that attended the event. Both artists were accompanied by the country´s most prestigious musical organization, the National … Continue reading "Ministry of Culture Celebrates National Theater´s 46th Year Anniversary With an Historic Lyrical Gala"
Santo Domingo, August 29, 2019 – The Forum will be held in Santo Domingo from September 17-19 and will include in its three-day agenda more than 50 experts, as well as include representatives from public institutions, private companies and universities. The Forum will be held in Santo Domingo´s Dominican Fiesta Hotel. In this year´s Forum … Continue reading "The D.R. Will Host the Third Annual Sustainable Energy Forum"
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Santo Domingo, August 27, 2019 – The Dominican Film Selection Commission(CDSF), designated by the General Film Directorate (DGCINE), announced this past August 26 the two Dominican films that will represent the country in the 2020 Oscar and Goya Film Awards. The announcement was held at DGCINE headquarters. The Commission announced that the film “El proyeccionista”, … Continue reading "DGCINE Announces the Two Dominican Films that Will Represent the Country in the 2020 Oscar and Goya Awards"
Santo Domingo, August 22, 2019 – The Dominican Republic´s Ministry of Culture sponsored a full weekend of national folklore, to mark International Folklore Day held every year on August 22. This year the Ministry began its special program with the “Third Annual Encounter of Traditional Brotherhoods,” held this past weekend in Santo Domingo´s Spanish Plaza, … Continue reading "Ministry of Culture Celebrates International Folklore Day with “Third Annual Encounter of Traditional Brotherhoods”"
New York, August 21, 2019 – “3 in One” is the name of the most important photo exhibits to date prepared by the distinguished Dominican photographer Misael Rincón. The exhibit is scheduled to open on August 25, at 3:00 p.m., in the Dominican Cultural Commission main headquarters in New York City. The exhibit will feature … Continue reading "Photographer Misael Rincón Opens “3 in One” Exhibit in the Dominican Cultural Commission in New York City"
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