Minister Eduardo Selman announced that the Ministry will provide full support to all activities carried out by the Dominican Commission of Culture in the United State, organizers of the event.
New York, June 18, 2018 – Minister of Culture, architect Eduardo Selman, announced this past Friday that the XIth Dominican Book Fair in New York has been scheduled for this coming month of October. He also explained that this particular book fair will be a special celebration because, for the first time during the event’s history, the Fair will include a cultural and artistic program.
Minister Selman also stated that during the Fair the Cultural Commission will once again present the New York Book Fair Award, to distinguish the best work presented during the annual event.
He also explained that other cultural activities will take place simultaneously during the event, such as a visual arts exhibit featuring paintings and sculpture, and a special film festival that will feature a “Light and Movement” short documentary event.
The Dominican Minister of Culture added that during the upcoming Dominican Book Fair in New York organizers will honor the Dominican Merengue, the Dominican Republic’s authentic musical expression, considered an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. During the Fair, organizers will celebrate a concert titled “Six Decades of the Merengue” headed by Maestro Miguel Andrés Tejada.
When discussing the special concert, Minister Selman stated: “By featuring the Merengue, we project the Dominican Republic.”
The Fair will be held at the George Washington High School, situated at 549 Audubon Avenue, in Manhattan.
“We met with the principal of the school, Professor Juan Villar, who is also Dominican, and we have received his full support so that this Dominican cultural event is held in the school,” explained Minister Selman.
The Minister of Culture, in response to questions from reporters and community cultural representatives, explained that the Ministry of Culture will support all programs carried out by the Dominican Commissioner of Culture. One of these will be the Seventh Hispanic Theatre Festival.
He also highlighted that the doors of the Commission are open to all Dominican cultural activities, and thanked the Dominican community in New York for its continuous support.
Minister Selman was accompanied by the Vice Minister of Culture, Cayo Claudio Espinal; the Dominican Consul in New York, Carlos Castillo; the director of International Relations for the Ministry, Billy Hasbún; the Dominican Commissioner of Culture, Carlos Sánchez, and Vice Commissioner Miguelina Concepción.
The Dominican Book Fair in New York is one of the most important events awaited by the Dominican community living in the U.S.
During the event, books and other cultural activities come together to feature a broad program of events, including the presentation of new books, conferences, workshops and panel discussions, among others.
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.