Santo Domingo, August 27, 2019 – The Dominican Film Selection Commission(CDSF), designated by the General Film Directorate (DGCINE), announced this past August 26 the two Dominican films that will represent the country in the 2020 Oscar and Goya Film Awards. The announcement was held at DGCINE headquarters.
The Commission announced that the film “El proyeccionista”, directed by Dominican José María Cabral, will represent the country in the 92nd Oscar Awards. At the same time, the film “Miriam Miente”, directed by Natalia Cabral and Oriol Estrada, will be the country´s representative in the 34th Goya Awards, the highest award issued by the Spanish film industry. “Truly happy to receive the great news, and at the same time a true honor to once again represent the country in the nomination process held by the Oscar Awards.”
We will be competing with the best films in the world, and just by being included in that list is already a victory,” stated Cabral.
Filmmaker Cabral thanked DGCINE, the cast and crew, as well as the investors who believed in the project. Also, to the general public that supports and believes in the Dominican film industry, which continues to show growth and quality.
At the same time, Natalia Cabral and Oriol Estrada – directors of the film “Miriam Miente” – stated: “It makes us truly happy that the CDSF chose our film “Miriam Miente” to represent the country in the upcoming Goya Awards. The film has been exhibited in 80 cities around the world, and was very popular during its showing in Spain. However, we know the competition will be hard because we will be competing with the best Latin American films produced this year. We believe that “Miriam Miente” can touch the hearts of film academics in Spain. So, we are hopeful that we could be present during the Goya Awards event.”
DGCINE responded to the registration dates set by both Academies. Once it received the pertinent information it immediately released the notice, calling on Dominican filmmakers to present those projects they had opened and/or presented between October 2018 and October 2019.
The filmmakers whose projects complied with the Award´s rules and regulations filled out their registration information.
The criteria established by the Commission´s jury takes into account the selection of a film that will proudly represent the country, as well as the quality of the script, the film´s projection at the national and international levels, and its artistic quality.
The event opened with remarks delivered by DGCINE General Director Yvette Marichal, who thanked the audience for attending the announcement ceremony. At the same time, she highlighted the work carried out each and every year by the Commission regarding the selection of the films that will represent the Dominican Republic in these two prestigious international events. And, of course, she mentioned the quality of the films chosen.
Immediately after, Omar de la Cruz, who spoke on behalf of the Commission, announced the names of the two films that will represent the country. He explained that “El proyeccionista” was chosen to represent the country in the Oscars pre-selection process because of the solid trajectory of Dominican filmmaker and director José María Cabral who, in his short professional career, has produced an impeccable technologically-based film. He also highlighted the film “Miriam Miente” as the film chosen to represent the Dominican film industry at the international level. Its storyline is well carried out as well as its overall production. The film´s directors have managed to export the Dominican film industry to world-class international markets and festivals.
Ms. Marichal also explained: “Beginning in 2011 to date, we have had the opportunity to annually participate in these international events, in order to participate in the Oscar nomination process. In 2014 we began to participate in the Goya Awards. The following Dominican productions have participated in international film events through Media Luna and Latido Films: “La hija natural,” “Jaque Mate,” “¿Quién manda?,” “Cristo Rey,” “Código Paz,” “Dólares de arena,” “La Gunguna,” “Flor de azúcar,” “La familia Reyna,” “Carpinteros” and “Cocote.” This year´s representatives will be “El proyeccionista” and “Miriam Miente.”
“The two films selected this year deal with international themes that discuss important social issues. This is the third time that the films directed by José María Cabral will represent the Dominican Republic in the Oscars. This year´s entry has been acclaimed by international critics for its depiction of the richness and diversity of the Dominican Republic. Natalia Cabral and Oriol Estrada have represented the country in renown international film festivals in various parts of the world with their latest film. This film showed an impressive potential when it was a simple project, beginning with the FONPROCINE 2015 Dominican film festival. It eventually concluded its development in other international platforms, and was included in the programming of the prestigious HBO television channel. We congratulate José María Cabral, Natalia Cabral and Oriol Estrada for their nomination, and wish them the best.”
Cast and crew members of the films attended the event, as well as representatives from the Dominican film industry and members of the press. Also, members of the Dominican Film Commission, the Inter-Sector Council for the Promotion of the Film Industry (CIPAC) and the Film Advisory Committee (CCCINE).
This year, the members of the Commission are Omar de la Cruz, Luis Rafael González, Joan Prats, Humberto Almonte and Elsa Turull de Alma.
More on the Dominican Film Selection Commission(CDSF
DGCINE created the Commission to be the responsible mechanism in charge of selecting the films that will represent the Dominican Republic in various international festivals and events, or where DGCINE understands the country should be represented according to the film industry´s national strategic development and the global positioning of its films.
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.