Puerto Plata, May 8, 2018 – The seventh annual Discover MarketPlace fair, to take place October 3-5, 2018 in the north coast city of Puerto Plata’s Convention Center, will feature the latest tourism destinations in the Dominican Republic.
The information on the important tourism event was presented by Jakaira Cid, executive director of Puerto Plata’s Tourism Cluster, the institution that since 2012 launched this important event that in just a few years has become the second most important tourism fair in the country.
The goal of the Marketplace event is dedicated to promote sustainable and adventure tourism in the Dominican Republic by bringing together the country’s impressive natural backdrop with its culture and history, thus strengthening the country’s tourism offer.
“Discover MarketPlace has experienced an impressive growth, and has encouraged representatives from other regions of the country to also participate in the event. After celebrating various fairs we discussed the possibility of opening up to new opportunities which we understand could work. And, since we sell the Dominican Republic at the international level as a multiple tourism destination, the fact that the event is held in Puerto Plata is already a positive step in terms of promotion and the possibility of reaching new agreements.”
She also explained that in this seventh annual fair a new hotel facility, Emotions by Hodelpa Playa Dorada, will open its doors for the first time. Another important event scheduled during the fair will be “Tasting Puerto Plata,” a gastronomic event that will be held in the city’s Independence Plaza.
Discover MarketPlace
This annual fair is sponsored by Puerto Plata’s Tourism Cluster, and co-sponsored by the Ministry of Tourism. Participants in the event will include national and international tourism-related companies, tour operators, and national and international press representatives, among other industry-related companies.
Source: http://recorriendoconsalvador.com/
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.