The upcoming 13th FCGD Festival will be held from January 29 through February 5, 2020. The Festival will be dedicated to Spain.
Santo Domingo, February 7, 2019 – The Peruvian film Wiñaypacha, the first production filmed entirely in the aimara language, won the Best Feature Film debut in the Fiction Category during the 12th Dominican Global Film Festival (FCGD). The documentary Eduardo Galeano Vagamundo won in the Documentary Category. The awards were announced during the closing ceremony of the Film Festival, which this year was dedicated to the Republic of Korea.
The Festival and closing ceremony were held in Santo Domingo’s Palacio del Cine, situated in the upscale Blue Mall Shopping Center. At the same time, Festival organizers also announced the Public’s Award, which this year was issued to the Dominican film Colours, directed by Luis Cepeda.
In the Global Shorts Category, the first place award was given to A la deriva, another Dominican production; the second award was issued to Madres de Luna, from Spain, and the third place award went to Ani, from Mexico.
During the eight-day FCGD Festival, more than 80 feature films and documentaries were exhibited. The Festival agenda also included educational activities, lectures and conferences headed by renown figures involved in the national and international film industry.
The following films were presented during the last days of the Festival: Miriam miente; La Ley del Embudo; Dong Ju: The Portrait of a Poet; La Camarista; Eduardo Galeano Vagamundo, Colours, Wiñaypacha and The Nile Hilton Incident. The Global Shorts were presented again during the last part of the Festival.
The Festival opened on January 30 in Santo Domingo’s National Theater. The much-awaited event opened with the first-time showing of Como si fuera la primera vez, by Mexican film director Mauricio Valle who attended the opening event with several members of the cast. During the event, Festival organizers posthumously honored the film trajectory of recently deceased Fernando Báez, one of the country’s top film directors.
Invited guests to the opening event included renown Spanish former judge and legal scholar Baltasar Garzón, present for the showing of the The Code, a film in which he played an important role.
The Festival was sponsored by Claro Video, Dgcine, Distribuidora Corripio, Palacio del Cine, Procomunicaciones, Sigma Petroleum Corporation, Aeromexico, Cap Cana, Telesistema, Plaza Lama, Telemicro, Julietta Beauty Supply, LM Constructora, Tiendas Katia, Tony BOGA, Burger King, The Willbes & Co., Ltd, Digital 15, IGlobal, La 91, Panamericana Films and Telemicro Internacional.
Also, Jet Set Club, Zol 106, Emax Group Corp, Bocatips, Capuccino, Diario Libre, El Nacional, Eventival, Ibermedia, Jorge Mochón Academy, Krispy Kreme, Listín Diario, Ministries of Culture, Education and Higher Education, Movibeta and Papa John’s.
Other sponsors included: Newspaper HOY, Revista Global, Sala de Espera, National Theater, Santo Domingo Technological Institute, Altos de Chavón School of Design, Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra, Ibero-American University, as well as the Embassies of Germany, United Kingdom, Spain, United States, the Franklin Center, Republic of Korea and Mexico.
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.