Montecristi, March 21, 2019 – Under the coordination of Laura Vásquez, Provincial Director of Culture in the northwest province of Montecristi, one of two important events to be celebrated in the Dominican Republic as part of the activities that are held worldwide during the month of March to mark the International Cry of Women Festival of Poetry and Art 2019.
The first event was held on Wednesday, March 20, at 9:00 a.m. in the Máximo Gomez Home Museum in the northwest city of Montecristi. Jael Uribe, founder of the movement was at the event, titled “A Cry for Me.” Uribe is the president of the International Women´s Poet Movement, Inc. Also present were Gennie Redondo and Katherine Ramírez.
This event marks the 9th annual international Cry of Women Festival, and it is the first time the event is held in the country´s northwest city. The Festival includes poetry, dance, arts and crafts, and the presentation of speakers who address the issue of gender violence.
The event became a community affair, with the participation of students and local poets (both men and women). The Festival is held during the month of March, recognized internationally as “Women´s Month.” The goal of the Festival is to encourage self-esteem amongst the millions of women who live under abusive circumstances, sexual harassment, and are rejected by certain sectors of society. The second Festival event in the D.R. will be held on March 31, at 10:00 a.m. in the community center Aldea Santa Rosa de Lima, in the eastern city of La Romana.
In Montecristi the event opened with remarks delivered by coordinator Laura Vásquez, who was followed by Festival representatives Gennie Redondo and Katherine Ramírez. Festival president Jael Uribe concluded with remarks on the importance of the Festival and the message it brings to all.
The artistic event was headed by the Angelita Hurtado Ballet Group, in representation of the city´s Town Hall. The students from the ¨Jose Martí¨ public school performed a special motivational presentation titled “I Will Believe.” Students from the vocational school “María Modesta Martínez” performed a choreographed poem titled “I Cry for Me.”
The program also included a segment where experts discussed the issue of gender violence and feminicides. Speakers also addressed the young girls and adolescents present in the audience on how to avoid being submitted to a life of emotional, economic and physical abuse.
The following poets read some of their poems relating to gender violence: Katherine Redondo, Miguelina Taveras, Marco Reyes and María Hurtado, who also sang a song dedicated to the Mirabal sisters, the three heroines who were ordered killed by dictator Rafael Trujillo in 1960. TV producer Wanda Lozado exhibited her arts and crafts, all made with recycled materials. She also encouraged women to continue their struggle and to denounce abusive practices committed against them.
Organizers thanked sponsors Café El Cibao, the Ministries of Education and Women, the Federation of Neighborhood Associations, and media outlets.
The Festival opened simultaneously on March 1 in 35 countries. Some 250 events will be held worldwide by March 31.
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.