The course, titled “Cognitive Neuroscience Applied to Reading and Writing,” brought together 120 teachers from the eastern province of San Pedro de Macorís.
San Pedro de Macorís, March 4, 2020 – The Dominican Ministry of Education sponsored the special course, directed at understanding the importance of neuroscience to the math and reading teaching processes.
The course was organized by the National Teacher’s Training Institute (Inafocam), with the support of the “CACATÚ, Creative Social Investment” company.
Some 120 teachers from the eastern region city of San Pedro de Macorís are participating in the Diploma course.
During the opening event Inafocam representative Florangel Araujo referred to the importance of once again repeating this training program for teachers.
In her introductory remarks, she explained that the Ministry of Education is doing everything possible to improve reading and writing methods and skills in Dominican schools from the early years.
This is why the Inafocam is working to provide teachers with the proper strategies and techniques that will help the Ministry meet its goal of providing quality education to all children.
“The truth is that each student learns differently. This special course will help guide us to understand how, specifically, children learn. This will allow us, if we apply the right techniques in the classroom, to take important steps forward in improving the education of the Dominican Republic.”
At the same time, Dr. Alejandro Antúnez, CACATÚ representative, highlighted the importance of having teachers understand the way the brain learns, and thereby channel teaching techniques in the right direction.
He also explained that as a result of the training, educators will be able to design and implement support programs that will benefit those children that may have difficulties in learning how to read and write correctly. Dr. Antúñez stated that the program will provide teachers with the necessary tools to provide students with a favorable and dynamic learning environment.
The Neuropedagogy Program has been successfully implemented in various regions of the country, and thousands of teachers have benefited from the teaching tools and information provided.
This initiative complies with the Dominican government’s efforts to improve the quality of Dominican education and guarantee the principles of equality and inclusion that will guarantee equal opportunities for all students.
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.