New York, March 2020 – Dominican writer, sociologist and diplomat Carlos Segura, who currently resides in Montreal, Canada, recently, launched his latest literary production at the Dominican Commission of Culture, in New York City. The book launching ceremony of his book, a collection of short stories titled Centos pueblerinos (Hometown Stories, non-official translation), took place recently at the Commission’s main auditorium situated in Manhattan, NYC.
Writer Carlos Segura has also published other literary works such as his autobiography, Una vida en tiempos revueltos (A Life in Times of Turmoil, non-official translation) and is co-author of various books on sociological issues: Una nueva inmigración haitiana (A new Haitian Immigration, non-official translation); Una isla para dos (An Island for Two, non-official translation), Hacia una nueva visión de las relaciones fronterizas (Towards a New Vision of Border Relations, non-official translation), among other publications.
The Commissioner of Culture, Carlos Sánchez, invited all those interested to participate in the event. The book was introduced by professor and writer Juan Villar.
The book consists of 15 short stories, where the author describes in broad details the lives of the men and women who live in the micro-world of the a southwest Dominican town of Bani, situated one hour west of the capital city of Santo Domingo. The author writes about this southwest coastal town that is known for its very particular culture and where the town’s beautiful surroundings are the backdrop for the funny situations that take place, the dreams and disappointments of its citizens, people falling in and out of love; their fears, good and bad habits, plus their virtues and hardships.
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Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.