Santo Domingo, June 24, 2019 – The National School of Visual Arts (ENAV) concluded its school year with the opening of a collective exhibit that included the works of 115 students that presented their best works in acrylic paintings, sculpture, drawings, perspective and anatomy. The exhibit will remain open until July 20.
ENAV Director Eric Genao Aude formally inaugurated the exhibit, titled “End of Year Expo 2019,” at the Visual Arts school, situated in the very heart of Santo Domingo’s Colonial Zone. Participants in the opening ceremony included Domingo de los Santos, Director of the National System of Specialized Artistic Formation; artist Manuel Montilla and artist Elsa Cáceres.
In his opening remarks Genao Aude expressly thanked the Minister of Culture, Eduardo Selman, for supporting the school through all its processes, the Director of the School of Fine Arts, and the authorities of the art center.
He specifically valued that the families, as well as the general public, can witness the professional progress of the students.
The National School of Visual Arts is part of the General Directorate of Fine Arts of the Dominican Republic.
Dozens of young artists also attended the opening event, held at the Jaime Colson Exhibit Hall as well as other spaces within the school. In total, more than 200 works were exhibited.
School Director Genao Aude also stated in his opening remarks that on August 19 the Center will celebrate its 77th anniversary and that to date “the school continues to contribute to the country’s cultural patrimony through the formation of well-known visual artists.”
He also stated that “during this specific anniversary we will formalize the graduation ceremony of the graduating class, and we are confident that these new artists will honor the institution that has trained them for four years.”
And, as an innovative concept, he also announced a collective exhibit of the selected works produced by the graduating class. The opening of the exhibit will coincide with the opening of the new school year.
DSC_1003_resize.- ENAV Director Eric Genao Aude.
DSC_0990_resize.- Eric Genao Aude, Domingo de los Santos, Manuel Montilla and artista Elsa Cáceres.
DSC_0973_resize.- Part of the attending public.
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.