On Thursday, September 22 and Friday, September 23, experts will meet in New York to analyze the region´s current reality within a global context. The meeting is organized along with International IDEA, and the support of Fordham University.
NEW YORK. – The former president of the Dominican Republic, Dr. Leonel Fernández, and current president of the Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (Funglode) – and its sister institution in the United States, the Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) – will head the “Global Forum on Latin America and the Caribbean 2022,” along with the Secretary General of the Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA), Kevin Casas-Zamora. The Forum will be held on Thursday, September 22 and Friday, September 23, 2022.
Through a press release the organizers announced that the event will consist of seven panels, where high-level experts will analyze, from various perspectives, the challenges facing the region. The event will be available to participants both through a digital platform and in person. In addition, five discussion sessions will be held. The event will begin, both days, at 9:30 in the morning.
Those interested will be able to view the Forum´s opening ceremony through former President Leonel Fernández´ social networks (@leonelfernandez).
The scheduled panels will focus on: “Global Threats, Repercussions and Opportunities for Progress;” “Regional Situation: Economic Reactivation, Inflation and Social Tensions;” “New Fiscal Pacts in Chile and Colombia: Challenges and Opportunities;” “Citizen Security: Crime Prevention, Justice and Reform;” “The Migration Crisis in Latin America;” “K-12 Education: Challenges, Trends and Future Perspectives” and “Democratic Challenges: Governance, Social Unrest, Social Networks and Freedom of Expression (IDEA).”
The two-day event will also include five discussion sessions. The first will address the “Challenges and Opportunities of the New Petro Administration.” The second discussion will focus on the issue of “inequality” in the region. The other three discussion sessions will focus on: “The Migratory Crisis in Latin America,” “Climate Change” and “The Future of the Constituent Assembly in Chile.”
Among the prominent experts who will speak on these issues during the Forum are the former President of Costa Rica, Laura Chinchilla; Robert Wood, Chief Economist and Head of the Country Risk Service for Latin America and the Caribbean of The Economist Intelligence Unit; Raúl Féliz, Professor at the Center for Economic Research and Teaching (CIDE), Mexico; Andy Dauhajre, President and Executive Director of the Economic and Development Foundation of the Dominican Republic and Mario Báez, Head of the Policy Coordination and Supervision Service of the Office of the Undersecretary General for Management of the United Nations Management Department.
Also, Gustau Alegret, Director and host of “Club de Prensa” and “Cuestión de Poder,” NTN24; Chris Dede, Senior Research Fellow at Harvard University´s School of Education; Tíscar Lara, Director of Digital Transformation at the Cervantes Institute; Liz Duraisingh, Principal Researcher of Project Zero at the Harvard University School of Education and, Manuel Orozco, Director of the Migration, Remittances and Development Program for Latin America, Inter-American Dialogue, among others.
Natasha Despotovic, Executive Director, GFDD, and Daniel Zovatto, Regional Director for Latin America for International IDEA, are the Forum´s academic directors. The event will take place using a hybrid format, offering participants in- person and virtual presentations.
The Forum´s final conclusions will be presented by Leonel Fernández and Daniel Zovatto.
Thursday, September 22
Panel 1 – Global Threats, Repercussions and Opportunities for Progress
Moderator: Mario Báez, Chief, Policy and Oversight Coordination Service, Office of the Under-Secretary-General for Management, Department of Management, United Nations
Panel 2 – Regional Situation: Economic Reactivation, Inflation and Social Tensions
Moderator: Lourdes Casanova, Gail and Rob Cañizares Director, Emerging Markets Institute
Discussion: Challenges and Opportunities of the New Petro Administration
Moderator: Gustau Alegret, journalist, director and host of “Club de Prensa” and “Cuestión de Poder,” in NTN24.
Discussion: Talking About Inequality, with Dani Rodrik
Dani Rodrik is Professor at the Ford Foundation on International Economic Policies, Harvard Kennedy School; President of the International Economic Association and Co-Director of the program “Reimagining the Economy,” Harvard Kennedy School.
Interviewers: Leonel Fernández, Former President of the Dominican Republic, President of GFDD and Funglode.
Panel 3 – Citizen Security: Crime Prevention, Justice and Reform
Moderador: Gonzalo Paz, Researcher and Invited Professor, Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) of the Foreign Service School, Universidad de Georgetown.
Discussion: Migration Crisis in Latin America with Manuel Orozco
Manuel Orozco, Senior Fellow and Director of the Migration, Remittances, and Development Program for Latin America, Inter-American Dialogue
Led by: Massimo Tommasoli, Global Programs Director and Permanent Observer for International IDEA to the United Nations
Discussion: Climate Change, with Jamil Ahmad
Jamil Ahmad, Director, UN Environment Programme, New York Office
Interviewer: Claudia S. de Windt, Founder and Director of the Inter-American Institute for Justice and Sustainability (IJS), U.S.A.
Friday, September 23
Panel 4 – Education K-12: Challenges, Tendencies and Future Perspectives
Moderator: Jael Rivas, Executive Director, Tadaca Educational Solutions, LLC
Panel 5 – Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation: Building a Common Space for Knowledge
Moderator: Natasha Despotovic, Executive Director, Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD)
Panel 6: Demographic Challenges: Governance, Social Unrest, Social Media and Freedom of Expression
Moderator: Gustau Alegret, journalist, director and host of “Club de Prensa” and “Cuestión de Poder,” NTN24.
Panel 7 – Elections and Polarization in Brazil
Moderator: Daniel Zovatto, Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean, IDEA International
Discussion on the Future of the Constituent Assembly in Chile, with Isabel Aninat
Isabel Aninat, Dean of the Law School, Adolfo Ibáñez University
Led by: Kevin Casas-Zamora, Former Second Vice-president of Costa Rica; Secretary General of International IDEA
Concluding remarks
Leonel Fernández and Daniel Zovatto.
For more information: www.globalforumlac.org
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Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
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