Santo Domingo, April 6, 2018 – Elaine Hernández Pión, Foodblogger and gastronomic journalist, recently stated that the “participation of Dominican gastronomy in media outlets is clearly visible in journalistic and literary spaces due to its growing popularity.” And, this trend is clearly evident with the publication of new food guides, magazines and newspaper and digital stories on Dominican cuisine.
Hernández Pión, creator of the gastronomic blog and who is identified in social media outlets as Bocatips, is scheduled to speak on Dominican gastronomy during the upcoming fifth annual workshop on “Creative Writing for Foodies”, scheduled for Saturday, April 14, beginning at 9:00 a.m. in the business center.
The upcoming workshop is clear evidence of the growing interest of media outlets in generating content involving Dominican cuisine. “It is important to provide the necessary tools and narrative skills that will interest readers who are looking for this information in electronic and social media outlets,” explained Hernandez.
A graduate of The Foodie Studies communications institute in Madrid, Spain, Ms. Hernández explained that the three-hour workshop will include in its program agenda the following items: how to identify and describe the ingredients used in a specific dish; how to describe aromas and texture; how to write a gastronomic story; the use of adjectives that will give value to the description of the dish. The workshop will also include practice and tasting sessions.
“By correctly training chefs, prescribers and communicators who specialize in gastronomic issues contributes to the local hotel industry, and strengthens the positioning of Dominican gastronomy at the international level,” further explained the workshop coordinator.
The workshop is geared to journalists, marketing experts, chefs, bakers, tourism and journalism students, gastronomic bloggers, Foodies, Bloggers, Sommeliers, Community Managers and all those interested in this fascinating subject matter.
Participants will include Juan de Dios Valentín, editor and director of the website As in past workshops, one invited guest will share his/her gastronomic experiences.
Workshop registry and payment can be easily done through the website or by writing directly to
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.