Santo Domingo, March 22, 2019 – The Ministry of Education and the Dominican College of Journalists (CDP) formally announced the opening of the National Journalism Award 2019. The winner will be announced this coming April 5, a date celebrated throughout the world as National Journalism Day.
The award ceremony, sponsored by the Ministry, will be held at the National Palace headed by President Danilo Medina.
This significant annual award is issued based on the professional career of a distinguished local journalist, and the Ministry of Education provides the monetary award and a Certificate of Merit.
CDP president Adriano de la Cruz stated that the National Journalism Award became an official event through Decree No. 74-94, issued on March 28, 1994.
He also explained that the award is issued to individuals who have made significant contributions to national journalism. He recommended that those who wish to be considered for the award, or those who would like to recommend a particular journalist, must meet the requirements established in the Presidential decree, such as the inclusion of a current Curriculum Vitae, a motivational essay that should not exceed three double-space pages, and have at least 10 years working experience as a profesional journalist.
The CDP leader also explained that the abovementioned documents must be annexed to a special application that establishes the basic information of the applicant. International correspondents, independent producers, authors, professors and other media-related actors are acccepted.
Ministry of Education
The head of Public Relations for the Ministry of Education, Glenn Davis Felipe Castro, also explained that the Ministry will continue to support the annual award due to its importance in the preservation of democracy in Dominican society.
Senior journalist Carmenchu Brusiloff, last year´s winner, received a cash award of approximately US$20,000.
The Minister of Education, Antonio Peña Mirabal, will head the jury that will choose this year´s winner.
Applications for the award are available at the office of the Dominican College of Journalists, situated on George Washington Avenue in Santo Domingo. The deadline for the presentation of all applications is Thursday, March 28, 2019, at 6:00 p.m.
The person may present as many stories or special reports as he/she deems necessary.
The journalists who have until now received awards are senior Dominican journalists Minerva Isa, Rafael Núñez Grassals, Juan Bolívar Díaz, Margarita Cordero, Luis Eduardo Lora, (Huchi), Rafael Osvaldo Santana and Carmenchu Brusiloff. Also, prominent journalists who have passed on, such as Felipe – Lipe -Collado, Mario Álvarez Dugan, Francisco Comarazamy, Radhamés Gómez Pepín, Rafael Molina Morillo and Emilio Erasme Peña.
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.