Dominicana Online » Noticias » IV Edition of Virtual Educa Caribe Will Analyze Links between Sustainable Development and Technology Training

IV Edition of Virtual Educa Caribe Will Analyze Links between Sustainable Development and Technology Training

La IV edición de Virtual Educa Caribe analizará el vínculo entre el desarrollo sostenible y la capacitación tecnológica
IV Edition of Virtual Educa Caribe Will Analyze Links between Sustainable Development and Technology Training

Representatives from the public, private and NGO sectors from Latin America will be meeting in the Dominican Republic starting on March 4th to participate in Virtual Educa Caribe 2009. This marks the fourth such regional meeting organized by the Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE) and the Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD).

The Latin American Forum on New Technologies will focus this year on Training, Innovation, Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development.

The Latin American Forum on New Technologies will focus this year on Training, Innovation, Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development.

The opening conference of the regional meeting will take place on Wednesday March 4, 2009 at 7 p.m. at FUNGLODE headquarters.

Alfredo Rojas, of the National Office of Programming, Leadership in Education OREALC/UNESCO, headquartered in Santiago, Chile, will deliver the master dissertation on “Free Technology Platforms and E-Learning: Possibilities, Limitations and Risks.” Lessons learned in the Leadership Network of the OREALC/UNESCO.

Work sessions will be held in the Manuel del Cabral Auditorium of the Pedro Mir Library of the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo on March 5th and 6th from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Teachers and anyone else interested in participating in the meetings can register at FUNGLODE by calling 685 9966, Ext.2447 or online at

The cost of participation for students and teachers is RD$800 and for the general public, RD$1,000.

Participants will also be able to take part in two workshops: “Creating Blogs,” to be held all day on Thursday March 5 and “Design and Editing Virtual Publications,” which will be offered on Friday the 6th at 11:30 a.m. for a period of four hours. Both workshops will have an additional cost of RD$500.

FUNGLODE and its sister organization in the United States, the Global Foundation Democracy and Development (GFDD), are organizing this meeting with a committee made up of important representatives of civil society as well as the public and private sector of the Dominican Republic. The intention of both organizations is to promote discussion and foment the use of new technology in the development and training of individual citizens. The goal is to ultimately contribute to the sustainable development of communities and the country’s competitiveness.

Visit the Virtual Educa Website


Training, innovation, corporate social responsibility and sustainable development


The Latin American Forum on Virtual Educa New Technology, part of the System of Latin American Summits, announces the opening of its fourth regional Caribbean meeting which will concentrate on training, innovation, corporate social responsibility and sustainable development.

Its mission is to reunite representatives from the public and private sectors and Latin American NGOs with a common goal of introducing good practices, studying and exchanging experiences and, with a synergy of effort, reach conclusions on how to successfully and efficiently train employees in new technology in order to place them in the work force, promote innovation and contribute to sustainable development. The event aspires to create new alliances on a national and international level, to promote the multiplication and expansion of successful practices and to establish bases for permanent exchange.


The purpose of this program is the development of relations between the key actors who are indispensable for business and competitiveness and those capable of attracting and retaining a well-trained work force, re-launching brand image and promoting social responsibility.  


Our goal is to raise awareness among the various key respondents, to create new national and international associations and alliances and to promote a continuous and daily interchange of information and experience in the area of permanent training; to establish how technology can be incorporated into conventional training and how all of this can ultimately contribute to the sustainable development of communities and the country’s competitiveness.


The continuing need to adapt to the various methods used to introduce production and labor competition systems is a challenge for each country. Pressure for the country to remain competitive, making sustainable growth possible, is endless and, indeed, always increasing.  Adopting new skills and training to maintain competitive production of consumable goods is inconceivable at this point without the use of technological resources and other innovations.

To achieve smooth and efficient performance, there is an indispensable need to establish a dialogue among the key agents in the introduction and application of technology and innovative systems for training and development of human resources to generate and offer value.

The challenge for both sectors can be alleviated by a coordinated program of corporate social responsibility that will contribute not only to the creation of wellbeing and progress, but also to the fair and equal distribution of benefits among all layers of society.

Headquarters of Virtual Educa Caribe

The presentation of Virtual Educa Caribe 2009 will take place in Santo Domingo, the Dominican Republic from March 4 to 6, 2009.

The inaugural conference is scheduled for March 4, 2009 at 7 p.m. in Santo Domingo’s FUNGLODE headquarters located on Capitán Eugenio de Marchena Street No. 26, La Esperilla.

Work sessions will be held in the Manuel del Cabral Auditorium of the Pedro Mir Library at the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo on March 5th and 6th from
8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.


The Organizing Committee of this regional chapter is made up of important representatives from civil society and members of the public and private sector of the Dominican Republic who are working together to offer an event that meets national and international standards and requirements.

Support from Civil Society and the Business Sector:

  • NGO Alliance
  • Dominican Association of the United Nations of the Dominican Republic (ANU-RD)
  • Microsoft
  • Sur Futuro Foundation

Educational Sector:

  • Technological Institute of the Americas (ITLA)
  • Education Ministry (SEE)
  • Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology (SEESCyT)
  • Open University for Adults (UAPA)
  • Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD)
  • APEC University
  • University of the Caribbean (UNICARIBE)
  • Ibero-Americana University (UNIBE)
  • INTEC University

Governmental Sector:

  • National Commission of the Society of Information and Communication (CNSIC)
  • Dominican Institute of Telecommunications (INDOTEL)
  • Presidential Office of Information and Communication Technology (OPTIC)


  • University Students and Professors – RD$800.00
  • Professionals – RD$1,000.00

To reserve a place or review any other information related to this forum, please feel free to contact:
Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo
Training Activities Programs
Tel. 809-685-9966 / Fax 809-685-9926

La IV edición de Virtual Educa Caribe analizará el vínculo entre el desarrollo sostenible y la capacitación tecnológica


Date of Publication: February 25, 2009

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