Two Animation Films to Show at the Spanish Cultural Center The Spanish Cultural Center (CCE) will be presenting two animated films in its Espacio Cero hall. The films were made by Dominican artists Ignacio Alcántara whose films will show from March 20-26 and José Pión who will show his films from March 27 to April 2. “apocalyptic vision of our so-called modern society moves me every day to question the media and more specifically the portable mechanisms we so value to communicate.” Ignacio Alcántara will show a series of short films made as a study for a larger work. The artist describes how the “apocalyptic vision of our so-called modern society moves me every day to question the media and more specifically the portable mechanisms we so value to communicate.” Alcántara uses a series of videos made from his own drawings and illustrations to make statements against the emptiness and submission that we have all been relegated to through our modern communication equipment, which he calls toys. The second showing by Pión, emphasizes – in his own words and through a series of seemingly endless animations – the continuity of the “the earth’s rotation.” “He relates issues like pollution and the overuse of resources to society’s attitude toward the black community which often places the artist in hostile territory where will and persistence are not always in agreement; these are some of the points narrated in Rodante.” The CCE’s Espacio Cero is an area reserved for young artists to present innovative projects within the theme proposed by the Spanish Cultural Center.
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Date of Publication: March 20, 2009 |
Las ultimas noticias/novedades de lo que acontece con los Dominicanos en las Grandes Ligas durante toda la temporada 2019.