Dominicana Online » Noticias » OAS Offers Scholarships to Latin American Government Workers to Train in the Payment for Ecological Services (PES) Project

OAS Offers Scholarships to Latin American Government Workers to Train in the Payment for Ecological Services (PES) Project

OAS Offers Scholarships to Latin American Government Workers to Train in the Payment for Ecological Services (PES) Project
OAS Offers Scholarships to Latin American Government Workers to Train in the Payment for Ecological Services (PES) Project

The Department of Sustainable Development of the Organization of American States (OAS) is offering scholarships for the course, “Design and Implementation of Payment for Ecological Services: Training for Government Officials.” The training course will be given in Washington D.C. from June 15-19, 2009.

The course will deal with the theoretical aspect as well as practical aspects of the PES, offering a diverse methodology that includes group discussions, case studies and a trip to the countryside to get to know the conceptual bases of environmental economy…

The course, given in Spanish, is designed to train government officials from Latin America on how to utilize the Payment for Ecological Services (PES) as a tool for taking decisions on how to achieve conservation and sustainable development objectives in rural areas.

The course will deal with the theoretical aspect as well as practical aspects of the PES, offering a diverse methodology that includes group discussions, case studies and a trip to the countryside to get to know the conceptual bases of environmental economy, to carry out analyses of PES cases to determine their effectiveness and potential for replication and how to establish a methodology to design and implement a system to assess the environmental services.

For more information on the course, including the Application, requirements and program, please visit:

Module I:

Renewable Natural Resources

Module II:

Biological and economic value of environment services

Module III:

Legal framework and policy instruments

Module IV:

Best Practices in the Implementation of Payment of Ecological Services

Module V:

Global Commitments with Payment for Ecological Services by Environmental Services and Market Opportunities

* The deadline for sending in your application to ONE differs from one country to another and, as such, must be confirmed with the corresponding ONE in your country of origin or permanent residence.

Date of Publication: May 13, 2009

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