ASONAHORES Recognizes Tourism Minister’s One Year Anniversary with Ministry
The National Association of Hotels and Restaurants (ASONAHORES) honored the work being done by Tourism Minister Francisco Javier García on the anniversary of his first year in the post. Minister García is being lauded for his work around in the country’s numerous tourism poles, for his institutional work and effort in unifying the tourism sector around the development of this important economic area in the country.
Among the achievements underscored by ASONAHORES is a 6.66 percent increase in 2008 of tourism from emerging countries; a 65 percent increase in visitors arriving to the DR by sea; promotion campaigns integrating Dominican residents living abroad…
The recognition ceremony included the presentation of a book with all the news and activities undertaken by García Fernández this past year; these activities have encouraged and promoted the development of local tourism. The book was given to the Minister by Susana Villanueva, President of the Women’s Committee of ASONAHORES, according to a press release from the Office of Press and Communications of the Ministry of Tourism (SECTUR).
Among the achievements underscored by ASONAHORES is a 6.66 percent increase in 2008 of tourism from emerging countries; a 65 percent increase in visitors arriving to the DR by sea; promotion campaigns integrating Dominican residents living abroad and the launch of the new promotional campaign, “the Dominican Republic Has it All.”
In addition, ASONAHORES recognized the international achievements of García Fernández during his first year in office as Tourism Minister, such as “2009 Number One Golf Destination in Latin America and the Caribbean,” given by the International Association of Golfing Tour Operators. There is also the “Best Caribbean Destination” award which is part of Reader’s Choice 2008 of Travel Weekly magazine.
Ms. Villanueva also cited the recognition from the Federation of Tour Operators of the United Kingdom (IFTO) which congratulated the Dominican Republic for its substantial improvement in the levels of health and sanitary conditions in its hotels and tourism areas.
In receiving this distinction, Tourism Minister Francisco Javier García Fernández thanked the Women’s Committee of ASONAHORES, saying his first year at the helm of SECTUR was a lot of work and that he expects the second year to be the same.
“I feel that in the Dominican Republic, where there are so many important sectors, tourism is the easiest area in which to be a minister because all areas involved in tourism activities have a clear goal and know where they’re going and what they want. This is a sector where people don’t like to waste time, people move ahead firmly and toward these clear goals,” he said.
In this order, García Fernández congratulated the men and women who work for tourism development in the Dominican Republic and the Dominican nation for its decisive contribution to the development of the country.
Prior to the event held by ASONAHORES, García Fernández walked around to view the stands that are part of the XXIII Commerce Exhibition going on in the Dominican Fiesta Hotel in Santo Domingo. He was accompanied by his personal assistant José Gabriel Rodríguez, the Vice President of ASONAHORES, Ventura Serra, Executive Director of ASONAHORES, Arturo Villanueva and President of the Women’s Committee, Susana de Villanueva.

Arturo Villanueva, Executive Director of ASONAHORES praises the work of Francisco Javier García Fernández, as the Minister receives recognition from the Women’s Committee of ASONAHORES

García Fernández looking at the food offerings from the various hotels around the country

Yolanda Mañán, Director of Communications of Aerodom, invites Tourism Minister Francisco Javier García into Aerodom’s stand.