On Jan. 12, 2010, a massive 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck southern Haiti, reducing much of its capital Port-Au-Prince to rubble. It was the worst earthquake in the region in more than 200 years, with thousands upon thousands feared dead.
Where to send Donations • List of the most needed donations • Donations for homeless earthquake victims in Haiti • Center for Donations
The international community has been stunned and saddened by the latest tragedy to befall Haiti , but none more so than its eastern neighbor, the Dominican Republic .
The scale of the disaster has hit home hard and led to a huge outpouring of grief and help for its brethren.Many Dominicans are urgently mobilizing funds and we ask you to help with whatever you can.
Your donation to this appeal will be put to work providing disaster relief and recovery to meet immediate needs, whilst longer term, funds will be used to enable rehabilitation and recovery projects.
Help save lives NOW by donating to the following organizations endorsed by GFDD/FUNGLODE.
Donations to: In Dominican Republic:
Large Donations: In Dominican Republic 1) Dominican Consulate in Haiti in coordination with Agroindustria Ocoeña Santo Domingo: (809) 333-4141. San José de Ocoa: (809) 558-2811
ON LINE Support PADF – Pan American Development Foundation Internet address: http://www.panamericanrelief.org/
Center for Donations on Dominican Republic.
1. Camara Dominico-Haitiana Necesitan: productos enlatados, agua, leche, medicamentos, colchones y frazadas. Contacto: Rosa Maria Garcia (Presidenta) 809-440-1127 y 809-563-9382
2. Donation on Dominican Republic
Centro Bonó Calle Josefa Brea NO.65 Mejoramiento Social 809-682-4448 y 809-688-1646
3. CDN, Cadena de Noticias C/Dr. Defilló, Esq. Jhon F. Kennedy, al lado de Teleantillas. Contacto: Yahaira Brea 809-683-8100
4. Centro Alberto Hurtado SERVIR-D Av. Jimenez MOya No.37 ( al aldo de Inazucar) 809-535-2977
5. Centro Bellarmino Km. 1.5 Autopista Duarte, Santiago 809-582-6998
6. CEFASA, Km.5 Autopista Luperon 809-736-8272
7.Solidaridad Fronteriza Calle Manuel Roca , no. 13, Dajabon. 809-579-8993
8. Save The Children Dominicana Calle Jacinto Mañón No.32, Ensanche Paraíso, D.N. 809-567-3351 info@savethechildrendominicana.org
9. Central Institucional de Trabajadores Autónomos, CITA Av. México #40, Suite 206 , San Carlos . D.N. 809-221-0381 http://www.citasindical.com
10. Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra Grupo D.O.N.A. Recinto Santo Tomás de Aquíno Edificio B1, 7ma. Planta Av. Sarasota, Esq. Winstonr Churchill, Plaza Universitaria, La Julia. D.N. 809-535-0111
11. Gremio de Estudiantes de Derecho de UNIBE Universidad Iberoamericana Escuela de Derecho. 6to. Nivel Av. Francia casi Esq. Leopoldo Navarro, Gazcue.D.N. Amelia Macarrulla 809-627-8411 Melissa Silié Ruíz 809-607-6154 Lenny Cabrera 829-901-0120 Boni Guerrero anto (809-729-8910 Boris De León 809-902-1466
12. Asociación Dominicana de las Naciones Unidas, ANU-RD Edificio Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo, FUNGLODE C/Capitán Eugenio de Marchena #26, La Esperilla. D.N. 809-685-9966 Ext. 2504, 2507, 2201 809-715-1737, 1738, 1739, 1742 y 1746
13. Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo, UASD. Comedor y Polideportivo, Sede Principal. D.N. C/Alma Matter, Zona Universitaria. Contacto: Mercedes Feliciano 829-919-5066
14. Universidad del Caribe, UNICARIBE Autopista 30 de Mayo, Km 7½, Urbanización Tropical, D.N. Contacto: Miriam Molina y Marisol Valenzuela 809-616-1616 Ext. 392 y 397 829-715-5414
15. Centro Dr. Victor Atallah Santo Domingo: Abraham Lincoln No. 1009, Torre EFA. Procurar a Dr. Atallah Jimaní: Arzobispo Merino, # 7, Jimaní. Rep Dominicana 809-248-3167
This Center Is Responding Over 300 Injured And Still More Coming, Urge Aid Food, Water, Medical Supplies, Bed Sheets, Mattresses, May Be Brought To The Address In Santo Domingo O Jimani Urgently
16. Supermarket Chain prepares boxes for Haiti, 450 pesos per bushel, and the supermarket provide an equal. (2lts juice 1lt milk 1 box chocolate 2 lb sugar 1 can corn 2 cans kidney beans 2 lts water 2 cans 2 cans of sardines sausage 1 pkg sweet biscuits and 1 pkg crackers).
17. In the Dario Contreras hospital are collecting all types of blood for Haiti. Hospital can call directly, or call Dr. Malet at 809 707 -7208, which is coordinated medical aid operations.
