The United Nations Association of the Dominican Republic
Donations for the homeless victims of the earthquake in Haiti (Santo Domingo, January 15, 2010).-
Where to send Donations • A Call to the Community • Donations for the homeless victims of the earthquake in Haiti • Donations for homeless earthquake victims in Haiti • Center for Donations
The United Nations Association of the Dominican Republic (UNA-DR) laments the difficult situation being experienced by our Haitian brothers and sisters following the 7.0 earthquake that devastated Port-au-Prince. We extend our most sincere condolences to the entire Haitian community and especially to the allies of the Haitian Association of United Nations (AH-UN) and the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH). We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of those who have expressed a desire to help and collaborate.
The United Nations Support System in Haiti will be working through the United Nations Emergency Technical Team in the Dominican Republic (UNETE).
Prevention and Crisis Recovery Unit Contact person: Ana María Pérez – Program Official Telephone: 809-537-0909 x 230 Fax: 809-531-3507 Email: aperez@pnud.org.do
The UNA-DR, in solidarity with the people of Haiti and relying of a network of institutions, will be receiving the following three categories of donations: food and medicine, cash donations and blood donations.
Donations of goods (food and medicine)
Starting today drinking water, canned goods and medicine can be dropped off.
In the case of food donations, please collect the following:
We will be receiving the following food donations:
- Canned fold.
- Milk and tetra pack juices.
- All types of imperishable food.
In the case of medical donations and medical supplies, please prioritize collection of the following:
- Oral rehydration supplies.
- Gauze.
- Cotton balls.
- All types of general analgesics.
- Slings
- Elastic bandages and bands.
- Tetanus treatment medication.
- Human gamma globulins.
- Antibiotics (amoxicillin, suspended and/ or in capsules)
- Antiseptics (PVP/1 or Chlorhexidine soap)
- Sanitary napkins
Donation collection center: Headquarters of the Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE) Address: Capitán Eugenio de Marchena Street, No. 26 of the la Esperilla Sector. Telephone: (809) 685-9966 ext. 2504, 2507 & 2201. Cell phones: (829) 715-1737 /38/ 39 / 42 & 46.
In addition people can make donations through our strategic allies who have also set up donor reception centers:
- Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD)
- Contact person: Mrs. Mercedes Feliciano – Disaster Control Manager.
- Location: University Cafeteria.
- Address: Main headquarters of the UASD, on Alma Mater-Rectoría Street, Ciudad Universitaria.
- Telephone: 809-535-8273 ext. 3165.
- Cell phones: 829-808-1038/ 829- 919-5066.
- Pedro Henríquez Ureña National University (UNPHU)
- Contact people: Daniela E. Ozorio and Bianca Abreu, Donation Reception Center Managers.
- Location: Academic Vice Rector’s Office.
- Address: John F. Kennedy Ave. Km. 5 ½ Corner w/ Winston Churchill.
- Telephone: 809-562-6601 ext.: 1044 / 2309 / 2204
- University of the Caribbean (UNICARIBE)
- Contact people: Miriam Molina and Marisol Valenzuela.
- Location: Public Relations Offices.
- Address: Highway 30 de Mayo km 7½, Tropical Urbanization.
- Telephone: (809) 616-1616 ext. 392 & 397.
- Cell phone: (829) 715-5414.
- Technical Institute of Santo Domingo (INTEC)
- Contact people: Amarilis García – Dean of Student Affairs
- Location: Dean’s Office of Student Affairs.
- Address: Los Próceres Ave. Gala, Santo Domingo.
- Telephone: (809) 809-567-9271 ext. 309.
- Email: agarcia@intec.edu.do
- Nordestana Catholic University (UCNE)
- Contact people: Rosina Jaquéz and María Marte, Donation Reception Center Managers.
- Location: Administration Office
- Address: Former Central Headquarters, Restauración Street in front Duarte Park.
- Telephones: 809- 588-0348, 5056 & 3239 ext. 235
- Iberoamerican University (UNIBE) Medical and Law Students Group
- Contact people: Amelia Macarrulla, Melissa Silié Ruíz, Lenny Cabrera and Boris De León.
- Location: UNIBE Law School.
- Address: Francia St., No. 129, Francia I Building (6th floor), Gazcue Sector, Santo Domingo.
- Telephone: 809-627-8411, 809-607-6154, 829-901-0120 and 809-902-1466
- Email: melissasilieruiz@gmail.com
- Turinter
- Contact people: Pamela Mancebo, Donation Reception Center Manager.
- Location: Department of Publicity
- Address: Leopoldo Navarro St. No.2, Santo Domingo.
- Telephone: 809-686-4020 ext. 1810
- Email: p.mancebo@turinter.com
For cash donations: To donate cash, please deposit funds into the following bank account:
- Name on account: United Nations Association of the Dominican Republic (UNA-DR)
- Type of account: Dollar savings account.
- Bank: Banco Popular Dominicano.
- Account Number: 747-941870.
- Swift Code: BPDODOSX.
Blood donations
Blood donations will be received in coordination with the Dominican Red Cross:
- Contact person: Rosi Sánchez, Disaster Control Manager.
- Location: Dominican Red Cross
- Address: Juan Enrique Dunant Street, No. 51, Ensanche Miraflores
- Telephone: (809) 334-4545 ext. 237 or (809) 412-8207.
- Note: Donations can be made 24 hours a day.
Requirements for donating blood
- Be over 18 years of age.
- Weigh over 110 pounds (50 Kilos)
- Not be fasting.
- Not have donated blood in the past two months
For more information on donations in general, we remind you that you can call us on the following telephones: (809) 685-9966 ext. 2504, 2507 & 2201 or on the cell phones (829) 715-1737 /38/ 39/42 & 46.