| Tourism Ministry Launches Advertising Campaign in Italy This action forms part of the strategy to reinforce the Dominican Republic as a destination in Italy where Dominican Tourism Minister Francisco Javier García traveled for the BIT-2010. The promotion, which began with the participation of the DR in the thirtieth edition of the BIT International Tourism Fair (BIT-2010) in Milan, kicked off at the Fair with a large display of posters in public places such as train stations and airports of the above-named Italian cities, according to the Office of Press and Communications of SECTUR. This action forms part of the strategy to reinforce the Dominican Republic as a destination in Italy where Dominican Tourism Minister Francisco Javier García traveled for the BIT-2010. This Friday he will offer a press conference with some 25 members of the media who have shown interest in getting to know more about the DR’s tourism novelties and offerings. Neyda García, director of the Tourism Promotion Office (OPT) for the Dominican Republic in Italy, said that the publicity campaign underway also includes television spots as well as print ads which will run until the end of March. She added that Italian tour operator Un Altro Sole and the Viva Resorts Hotel chain are also collaborating with the DR. Following the press conference on Friday, Tourism Minister García Fernández will invite the press to a cocktail hour which will feature Dominican delights such as organic Dominican chocolate, Brugal Rum and Barcelo Rum. A couple of dancers and a limping devil who passed in and out of the pavilion at the BIT 2010 Fair will also be at the event, giving it a Carnival flavor. Ms. García reported that this year our stand will not be playing music out of respect for the victims of Haiti’s earthquake. The International Tourism Fair BIT 2010 is one of the largest exhibitions of its kind in the world with “Italian products” and with a full display of the best international offers as well. Last year the BIT Fair brought together 153,800 visitors, of whom 101,000 were international operators in the tourism sector. Throughout his stay in Italy, García Fernández is accompanied by his assistant, José Gabriel Rodríguez; Frank Rainieri, president of the Punta Cana Group and Luis Emilio Rodríguez, president of the La Romana-Bayahibe Hotels Association. Display of posters hanging in the metro stations in the various Italian cities as well as the main airports.
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Date of Publication : February 22, 2010 |
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.