Culture Ministry Will Present 21 New Books at the International Book Fair, Opening on May 4 República Dominicana, Santo Domingo, 13/04/2011
Among the published authors are Bishops Ramón Benito de la Rosa y Carpio, Juan Antonio Flores Santana and Francisco J. Arnaiz, the father of José Luis Sáez as well as Ángela Hernández, Rafael García Romero, Fernando Cabrera, Plinio Chahín, Carlos Dobal Márquez and Rey Andújar.
A total of 21 books will be presented within the framework of the XIV International Book Fair as part of the intense program of publications underway among the Ministry of Culture´s publishing units.
A total of 21 books will be presented within the framework of the XIV International Book Fair as part of the intense program of publications underway among the Ministry of Culture´s publishing units.
- FERILIBRO PUBLISHERS will present a total of 14 books:
- Colloquium 2010. The continuation of the relevant collection begun in 1988 with exhibitions of participants in the ongoing International Book Fair colloquium cycle from last year.
- Masters Conferences. For the first time, exhibitions of relevant intellectual figures from various parts of the world who participated in past Master Conference Cycles at International Book Fairs will be reunited.
- “When we said peace, they screamed war” A collection of the important essays of Monsignor Francisco J. Arnaiz, Bishop Emeritus of Santo Domingo, to whom this event is dedicated.
- Actions of the Dominican Church (1511-2011). History and Anthology. An important historic rendering by Father José Luis Sáez, to whom this year´s Book Fair is dedicated.
- Benedict XVI: Essays on Love, Truth and other Topics. Important collection of essays on the Pope´s thinking, written by Monsignor Ramón Benito de la Rosa y Carpio, Archbishop de Santiago.
- The Island of Hispaniola: Cradle of Evangelism in America. Beginning of La Vega Real. Contributing research by Monsignor Juan Antonio Flores Santana, Bishop Emeritus.
- Roma inaudita. Essay by renowned historian and academic, Carlos Dobal Márquez.
- El peso del rocío. Collected stories by the well-known writer Ángela Hernández.
- El doceavo rostro. Collected stories by excellent writer Rafael García Romero.
- Trébol de cuatro hojas. Collected poems by outstanding award-winning poet Fernando Cabrera from Santiago.
- Narración de un cuerpo. Collected poetry of important poet of the 1980s, Plinio Chahín.
- Debajo de este sol. Winner of the Youth Poetry Prize from the 2010 Book Fair by Jesús Cordero.
- Vulnerable en voz alta y otros cuentos premiados. Winner of Youth Short Story Prize from 2010 Book Fair by Ariadna Vásquez Germán.
- El nuevo volumen de Dienteleche, Collection of children´s stories published in 1998 with stories written by Cuban, Puerto Rican and Dominican writers. The Dominican writers this year are Rita Moya de Grimaldi and Anya Damirón.
- NATIONAL PUBLISHING HOUSE, will launch 7 new titles:
- Saturnario. Book of short stories by Rey Andújar, winner of Letters of Ultramar Prize.
- Los muertos no sueñan. Winning novel by winner of Letters of Ultramar Prize, Rubén Sánchez Félix.
- Roja iconografía de los otoños. Book of poetry by winner of Letters of Ultramar Prize, Daniel Baruc Espinal.
- Cuaderno de Catarsis. Poetry by Alexéi Tellerías.
- Psique. Novel of a true revelation, the adolescent Náyila Pichardo.
- El poder de la creación. Posthumous work by Rubén Echavarría.
- Origen, desarrollo e identidad de Salvaleón de Higuey. Historical essay by Francisco Guerrero Castro.
In addition to these, many more books have been published recently by the publishing units of the Ministry of Culture including the first complete theater tome by Franklin Domínguez, which contains the political satires. Also in this group is “Pedro Santana, Gloria y repudio” by Rafael Molina Morillo, well-known journalist and director of the newspaper, El Día.
The books will be presented at the cocktail party where the general program of the Book Fair will be announced and circulated. This will take place on Thursday April 28th at 6 pm in the Ramón Oviedo Art Hall of the Ministry of Culture.
The XIV International Book Fair of Santo Domingo 2011 will be held from May 4-22 in the Juan Pablo Duarte Culture Plaza. This year the Vatican is the special invited Guest of Honor and is dedicated to Monsignor Francisco J. Arnaiz and Father José Luis Sáez, in commemoration of the 500 year anniversary of the constitution of the Diocese of Santo Domingo and La Vega.
“Vulnerable en voz alta” and other award-winning stories. Winner of Youth Short Story Prize from 2010 Book Fair by Ariadna Vásquez Germán.

“Narración de un cuerpo”. Collected poetry of important poet from the 1980 Plinio Chahín.

“Roja iconografía de los otoños” Book of poetry by winner of Letters of Ultramar Prize, Daniel Baruc Espinal.

“Los muertos no sueñan” Winning novel by winner of Letters of Ultramar Prize, Rubén Sánchez Félix.