Dominicana Online » Noticias » Meeting of X Iberescena Program Successfully Completed

Meeting of X Iberescena Program Successfully Completed

Finaliza con éxito la X Reunión del Programa Iberescenae

Meeting of X Iberescena Program Successfully Completed
República Dominicana, Santo Domingo, 15/04/2011

With the backing of the Dominican Ministry of Culture (MINC), the 10th Meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee for Assistance Funding for the Ibero-American Dramatic Arts (Iberescena), which seeks to promote Latin American exchange and integration through participation and financial assistance, was a success.

Among the program’s objectives was the continued training of professionals for theater and dance; the creation of a space for the integration of theater arts; incentivize co-productions of events through public and private producers…

Among the program’s objectives was the continued training of professionals for theater and dance; the creation of a space for the integration of theater arts; incentivize co-productions of events through public and private producers and to promote the presence of Latin American theater arts on the international level.

Deputy Minister of Creativity and Popular Participation of the MINC, Bernarda Jorge, oversaw the inauguration of the meeting. She expressed the Culture Ministry’s support for this program.

Director of Culture for the Ibero-American Secretary General, Leonor Esguerra and the Executive Director of the Program, Guillermo Heras Toledo were at the inauguration.

Others present included individuals involved in cultural endeavors and  journalists thus making clear the government’s and civil society’s interest and commitment to the development of the dramatic and theater arts as part of Latin America’s cultural landscape.

One of the topics discussed at the meeting was the current situation of theater arts in Latin America as well as the effort being made by the Iberescena Program. In addition, the Executive Director called on the involved countries to take the necessary measures to publicize the internal functioning of the program and making citizens more aware of it. He also called for an adequate valuation of the projects presented at the convocations and follow-up of local theatre projects supported by Iberescena.

Among the measures approved was the establishment that all countries will participate in the program’s operating costs in proportion to their economic contribution to the fund and that each country will receive, in assistance from the convocations, a minimum which will be equivalent to their net contribution.

Participants of the meeting thanked the Dominican Ministry of Culture for overseeing this gathering, for its generous help in organizing all that went into the success of the meeting and for providing and strengthening the link with the Dominican theater and drama groups.

Finaliza con éxito la X Reunión del Programa Iberescena
(Center) Guillermo Heras Toledo, Executive Director of Iberescena with delegates from various countries at one of the work sessions.

Finaliza con éxito la X Reunión del Programa Iberescena
Leonor Esguerra, Bernarda Jorge and Guillermo Heras Toledo and delegates of Iberescena at the inaugural event.

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