New Writers Featured at Book Fair The Ministry of Culture, through the Office of the National System of Literary Workshops, is disseminating new Dominican literature with recitals, readings and encounters with well-known writers. Drama, poetry, short stories, novels and brief narratives are some of the genres that members of the literary workshops,… These activities are going on daily in the Dominican Authors Pavilion, a traditional space at the International Book Fair, which is dedicated to promoting Dominican literature. Drama, poetry, short stories, novels and brief narratives are some of the genres that members of the literary workshops, hundreds across the country, have presented to the XIV edition of this magnificent cultural event taking place in the Dominican Republic. Freddy Gatón Arce, Ángela Hernández, Literary Thursdays, Juan Félix Pepén, Narrators of Santo Domingo, Borges Corner, and others, have all presented their work and are sharing it with other writers who are recognized daily at the Book Fair. Some of them include: Miguel Franjul, Federico Henríquez Gratereaux, Víctor Grimaldi, Juan Carlos Mieses, Monseñor Ramón Benito De La Rosa y Carpio, Dío-genes Abreu, Fernando Cabrera, Irene Pérez Guerra, Monsignor Rafael Bello Peguero, Lucia Amelia Cabral, Manuel Núñez and Manuel García Cartagena. With this initiative, said Valentín Amaro, Director of the National System of Literary Workshops and Coordinator of the Dominican Authors Pavilion, the Culture Ministry “is strengthening the work it does in the literary workshops which are the source of new Dominican literature. Through these activities they are integrated into the Book Fair, the best promotional space in the country.” Workshops are part of the literary tradition of Latin America. Various well-known writers from the DR, including numerous national prize-winners, got their start in these literary workshops.
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Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.