President Fernandez travels to Jordan, Palestine and Israel Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 06/17/2011
The President of the Republic, Leonel Fernandez, is traveling to Jordan and Israel and to the city of Ramallah, where he will follow an intense work agenda that includes meetings with the President of the Palestinian Authority, with King Abdullah ibn Al Hussein, meetings with potential investors and the signing of major cooperation agreements.
In his 10-day tour, the Head of State also plans to participate in a conference of the Jordan Chamber of Commerce and in the Seminar on High Technology Investment in the Dominican Republic, as well as in the conference Facing Tomorrow, to be held in the city of Jerusalem.
In his 10-day tour, the Head of State also plans to participate in a conference of the Jordan Chamber of Commerce and in the Seminar on High Technology Investment in the Dominican Republic, as well as in the conference Facing Tomorrow, to be held in the city of Jerusalem.
The Dominican ruler left on Thursday en route to Madrid, Spain, where he will hold important meetings with businessmen and academics, and then he will offer an interview to the prestigious El País newspaper, to address the issue of financial speculation, as reports the Division of Information, Press and Publicity of the Presidency.
On Saturday the 18th, Fernandez will travel to the city of Amman, the capital of the kingdom of Jordan. There he will be welcomed by the executives of the Center for Strategic Studies of the University of Jordan, where they will discuss regional issues on the peace process, the revolutions in the Middle East, the reform process and the situation of refugees in Palestine.
On Sunday the President will travel to the Palestinian city of Ramallah for a work meeting with the President of the National Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, and then with the Minister of Economy of that nation.
That same day, Fernandez will travel to the city of Amman, where he will be officially welcomed by His Majesty King Abdullah ibn Hussein at the Hummar Palace. President Fernandez and the King of Jordan will hold a work meeting.
On Monday the 20th, the Dominican President will be welcomed by Jordanian congressmen, and minutes later by Prime Minister Marouf Al Bakhit. At noon, the Dominican ruler will be welcomed at the Amman Chamber of Commerce where he will witness the signing of an agreement between the Chamber of Commerce and the Center for Exports and Investments of the Dominican Republic and then he will deliver a speech before the Jordanian Chamber of Commerce.
On Tuesday the 21st, President Fernandez will travel to the city of Tel Aviv, Israel, to participate in the Seminar on High Technology Investments in the Dominican Republic, where he will speak about the benefits and the scope of investing in his country. Additionally he will hold important bilateral meetings.
At noon he will meet with the director of the Mofet Institute, of the Technion Polytechnic, of the Asper Center for Entrepreneurship, and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, with whom he will address the issue of academic cooperation between Israel and the Dominican Republic.
In the evening he will participate in the opening plenary session of the conference Facing Tomorrow, where, under the theme “Nations, interests and ethics in the journey toward tomorrow,” Israel’s president, D. Shimon Peres, and the former Prime Minister of Great Britain, Tony Blair, will speak.
On the morning of Wednesday the 22nd, President Fernandez will hold bilateral meetings with the President of the State of Israel, Shimon Peres; the Defense Minister of Israel, Ehud Barak; the former Prime Minister of Great Britain, Tony Blair; and the Mayor of Jerusalem, Nir Barkat, among other statesmen.
On Wednesday afternoon, the Dominican President will speak at the conference Facing Tomorrow on the topic of financial speculation in oil prices and commodities, and then he will meet with the Governor of the Bank of Israel, Stanley Fisher.
At night, the Head of State will have a bilateral meeting with the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, and will participate in the conference “Israel Council on Foreign Relations,” where he will deliver a keynote address.
On Thursday the 23rd he will visit several high technology companies and the facilities of the University of Tel Aviv, and in the afternoon he will travel to the city of Paris, where he will meet with the Director General of UNESCO and will offer an interview to the Le Monde newspaper.
President Fernandez will return to the country on Sunday, June 26, in the afternoon.
