![]() | MINERD reiterates to students its commitment to providing quality education The Ministry of Education (MINERD) has stated that students are the raison d’etre and the core of the Dominican education system, as wellas a powerful reason for the institution to feel more committedevery day to providingquality education that is also inclusive, with a view to ensuring that they become the citizens that the country and the world need. “We remind you that every stage of your student life has its own demands. You must remain alert and attentive so that at the end of each educational activity, of each course, you feel the satisfaction of having carried out your duty, for every right entails a duty, …” MINERD’s reflection is contained in a message that was disseminated on Saturday, February 18, marking the National Student Day, which encouraged them to continue valuing themselves and respecting each personthat accompany them in their learning process, such as teachers, peers and family, who are their allies during their learning experience while in harmonious coexistence with others. “We remind you that every stage of your student life has its own demands. You must remain alert and attentive so that at the end of each educational activity, of each course, you feel the satisfaction of having carried out your duty, for every right entails a duty, and as MINERD has the duty to guarantee a quality education for you, your duty is to study responsibly,”the statement added. MINERD alsoreminded that during this week various activities have taken place in each of the Regional Education Directorateson the occasion of the celebration ofthe National Student Day. Forum for a Culture of Peace On February 16 and 17, as part of the commemoration,MINERD gatheredsome meritorious students from across the country in a large National Student Forum for a Culture of Peace, with the purpose of promoting the development of support networks and volunteer work as a way of expressing their commitment with the development and progressof the Dominican society. The event was organized by the Vice-ministry of Technical and Pedagogical Services, the Department of Counseling, Psychology and Attention to Diversity, and the Directorate of Student Welfare. The Forum took place at Casa Juan Pablo II, located at Avenida Jacobo Majluta in Santo Domingo. Some 300 high school students that were included in the Student AchievementAward Program (Programa de Reconocimiento al Mérito Estudiantil) participated in the event. This forum concluded a series of eventsthat took placethroughout the 18 Regional Educational Directorates. During the opening ceremonyLic. Minerva Pérez, Director of the Department of Psychology and Attention to Diversity, said that the Minister of Education,Josefina Pimentel, and her colleagues work hard to create the conditions and the processes that allow each student to learn and develop in a holistic manner and to have a satisfactory life plan for themselves, their communities and in pursuit of the common good. This activity seeks to promote the development of leadership and empathy between the students and to involve them in developing strategies that foster a culture of peace. It also seeks to serve as anincentivefor developing skills that would allow them to intervene in situations of conflict that require mediation. Other objectives of the forum are to strengthen youth programs through networks that consolidate the culture of peace; disseminate proposals from the regional educational leaders to assumea national commitment to working on potential work projects; establish agreements based on the proposals from the Educational Districts and the Regional Directorates, and create a youth volunteer work project within theStudent Achievement Award Program. On the opening night of the forum a special evening was organized with arecitalby the choir from the Centro de Excelencia República de Colombia, led by Professor José Javier Tapia. The joyful evening continued with the performanceof singer and composer Pavel Núñez, and concluded with a festival of talents. In addition, on Friday, the Recreation and Sports Festival took place in the high schools that are part of the Youth Development and Violence Prevention Project that is being carried out with support from UNESC. This event was attended by members and task forces of the educational community, guided by facilitators that had been trained in the workshops Move and Participate (Muévete y Participa), of the Youth Development and Violence Prevention Project (Proyecto de Desarrollo Juvenil y Prevención de la Violencia). | |
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.