![]() | Education Minister Urges People not to Forget the Legacy of those who Struggled for the Dominican Nation Education Minister, Josefina Pimentel, urged the Dominican people not to forget the legacies of the Nation´s founding fathers stressing that their dedication and effort are daily reminders and encouragement for all of us to undertake the tasks that lead to continuing prosperity for the Dominican Republic. She said that education should feed the intellect, the soul and the heart of each girl, boy, teenager and adult who come to these classrooms in search of knowledge. “Commemoration of National Flag Day is an invitation for all of us to praise the contributions of the men and women who gave everything to achieve the ideal of justice and the dream of freedom with skill, devotion and social commitment,” … Minister Pimentel, made these remarks at a National Flag Day event which was headed by President Leonel Fernández in Independence Park on February 27th , marked the 168th anniversary of the first raising of the tricolor flag. She said that a school was the appropriate venue to promote the values that sustain harmonious family life and society, the advancement of the nation, based in honest work, study and dedication to sports, the arts, reading, development of critical thought and clear discernment. She added that the school is an excellent place to promote respect and solidarity. “Commemoration of National Flag Day is an invitation for all of us to praise the contributions of the men and women who gave everything to achieve the ideal of justice and the dream of freedom with skill, devotion and social commitment,” said Minister Pimentel. Among this group of national heroes, she said Juan Pablo Duarte stands out as one of the most lucid minds and forward thinkers of his generation, whose liberal ideals made him the first patriotic visionary and Dominican activist who articulated a coherent ideology. His skilled leadership was essential in the struggle against the Haitian invasion and in making the dream of Dominican independence a successful reality. In addition, Minister Pimentel used the occasion to praise the example of fervor and patriotism of the Dominican woman, represented by those whose privilege it was to be part of bestowing upon us the first Dominican flag. She went on to refer to María de la Concepción Bona y Hernández, who, along with María Trinidad Sánchez, María de Jesús Piña and Isabel Sosa, accepted the challenge of Founding Father Juan Pablo Duarte and made the first flag. Pimentel thanked President Leonel Fern ández Reyna for inspiring men and women to elevated action and vision such as those being honored this day, and for orienting their accomplishments along the road to progress and well being. Finally, Ms. Pimentel offered a guarantee that the Ministry of Education (MINERD in Spanish) will continue working to strengthen the education system with the goal of continuing its role of contributing to society. She added that this is the altruistic way to build a nation, honor the flag and pay homage to the founders of the Dominican nation. Also speaking at the ceremony was the president of the Permanent Commission of the Declaration of Independence (CPEP in Spanish), Juan Daniel Balcácer. Others present included Dominican Vice President, Students from various elementary and high schools from the District and the province of Santo Domingo were also at the event. In fact, Minister Pimental swore allegiance to the flag along with a group of students from the Excellence Republic of Colombia Middle School. The Matices choir group sang the Hymn to the Flag and a group of actors did a dramatic piece about the flag, its origin, its significance and values. Singer, Claudia Sierra, closed the ceremony with a version of “Song of the Fatherland” by Juan Luis Guerra, accompanied by the Matices group. In the center is Dominican President Leonel Fernández and Minister of Education, Josefina Pimentel, with Vice President Rafael Alburquerque, to the right of the President and, on the opposite end, the president of the Permanent Commission of the Declaration of Independence, Juan Daniel Balcácer as they listen to the Hymn to the Flag, at the Altar of the Fatherland. Education Minister Josefina Pimentel, pledges allegiance to the flag with a group of students from the Excellence Republic of Colombia Middle School. | |
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.