Juan Ramón sobre el papel: A Space for poetry and the plastic arts The Embassy of Spain, in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture, the Director’s Office of the 15th International Book Fair Santo Domingo 2012 and the Museum of Modern Art opened the collective exhibition “Juan Ramón sobre el papel” at MAM’s first floor. This interesting exhibition, which is part of the pre-inaugural events of the 15th International Book Fair Santo Domingo 2012, proposes the poem “Espacio” by Spanish writer Juan Ramón Jimenez, as a catalyst element… The opening ceremony was presided by the Ambassador of Spain Jaume Segura. Among other distinguished personalities attending the event: Vice minister Lourdes Camilo de Cuello on behalf of the Minister of Culture José Rafael Lantigua; Vice minister and poet Mateo Morrison; Museum of Modern Art Director María Elena Ditrén; and the exhibit Curators Rocío Galindo and Juan Bautista Cáceres. This interesting exhibition, which is part of the pre-inaugural events of the 15th International Book Fair Santo Domingo 2012, proposes the poem “Espacio” by Spanish writer Juan Ramón Jimenez, as a catalyst element where every artist has selected and connected several verses as an inspiration of their work, giving them an extraordinary feeling that transforms the poet into an essential part of the exhibit. Curators Rocío del Pilar Galindo Faraco, Manuel Jesús Galindo Faraco and Juan Bautista Cáceres Rodríguez have set out to present the work of emerging authors along with that of those already established and at their peak of their creative work. Some twenty two plastic artists originally from Brazil, France, Spain, Argentina and Portugal will interpret the Spanish Nobel laureate, among them: Agustin Julián, Alberto Rojas Maza, Arturo Cruzeiro Seixas, Carmen Ocaña, Clotilde Ventoso Vargas, Federica Mata, Fransciso Bella Galán, Garikoitz Cuevas Abeledo, Jesús Soler, Jorge Camacho, Jose J. Núñez Romero, Juan Bautista Cáceres, Juan Carlos Castro Crespo, Juan Gómez Macías, Juan Luis Baroja Collet, Juan Median, Pedro Rodriguez, Sergio Lima, Ullate, Víctor Chab, and Víctor Pulido. Dominican artist Elvis Aviles will also participate in this exhibition as an open and live project. The exhibit that arrives from Spain begins its itinerary throughout the Americasat the Santo Domingo Museum of Modern Art in the Dominican Republic, and then it will continueon to Brazil, Argentina, Mexico and Nicaragua, among other countries, complementing its journey at different Cervantes Institutes throughout Europe. This event is being sponsored by Grupo Santillana, Banco López de Haro and the contribution of Mrs. Maricusa Ornes. The Museum of Modern Art is located on Avenida Pedro Henríquez Ureña, Plaza de la Cultura Juan Pablo Duarte, and opens Monday through Sunday, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.