Activities of the Ministry of Culture Directorate of the 2012 FIL & Museum of Modern Art (MAM) Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, April 18, 2012
We invite you to the opening ceremony of the following exhibitions:
Thursday 19
“Arte Contemporáneo Centroamericano” Central American Group Exhibition Time: 7:00 p.m. Venue: Second Floor of the MAM
“Risas, Sonrisas y Carcajadas” Solo Photographic Exhibition by Francis Arias Time: 7:00 p.m. Venue: Second Floor of the MAM
Friday 20
México. País de Colores Time: 7:00 p.m. Venue: Second Floor of the MAM
“Origami, todo reciclado” Group Exhibition Time: 7:00 p.m. Venue: Patio Español of the MAM
The Pre-inaugural Exhibitions remain open to the public:
Memorias & Deconstrucciones Solo Exhibition by Evelyn Espaillat (Dominican Republic) Venue: Basement of the MAM
Juan Ramón Sobre el Papel (Ibero-America) Group Exhibition Venue: First Floor of the MAM
Ensimismado Video-installation by Raúl Morilla Venue: Projects Room of the MAM
Theoretical Events
Panel: “La influencia de Juan Ramón Jiménez en la Literatura Dominicana” Panelists: Mateo Morrison, Ángela Hernández and Manuel Núñez Date: Monday, April 23rd Time: 7:00 p.m. Venue: Auditorium of the MAM
Origami Workshop
Taught by: José Rafael Sosa, Lenín Paulino, Isis Esteva, Roberto Hiciano, Francisco Cruz, Malvin Lamarche and Lili Ayala Date: April 21 through 28 Time: 5:00 p.m. Venue: Patio Español of the MAM
