Immigrant Musicians Offer Their Art To The Dominican Republic Nine artists from eight countries and two local artists will come together at the VocesInmigrantes (Immigrant Voices) in the Dominican Republicconcert on Friday, April 27, at 7:30pm. The concert will take place at the Santo Domingo National Theater, in the framework of the Book Fair. PRESS RELEASE Immigrant musicians Nine artists from eight countries and from local artists will come together at the VocesInmigrantesin the Dominican Republicconcert on Friday, April 27, at 7:30 pm. The concert will take place at the Santo Domingo National Theater, within the framework of the Book Fair. This concert is an event without precedent in our country, and is part of the “ConVivirconTó…esVivir con Tolerancia!(Coexisting with all…means living with tolerance!)”campaign, which has been developed by the United Nations High Commissionerfor Refugees (ACNUR for its acronym in Spanish). The campaign is being financed by the European Union and being is supported by the Ministry of Culture. The campaign, whose goal is to create cultural connections, was launched last December with the successful Voces de unaisla concert which brought together more than 4,000 people at the Plaza de España. The photography exhibition, Voces del Batey (theBatey’s Voices) recently opened and will remain on exhibit at the Blue Mall until April 22. This time, the campaign is presenting an artistic-musical spectacle under the slogan “An expression of immigrant artistic talent… a sympathetic and responsive country that welcomes them.” It will be a gathering of well-known musicians and singers from countries all over the world. These musicians have migrated to the Dominican Republic, where they have found a space in which they can give full rein to their creativity, develop their art successfully, and contribute to the country’s cultural development. The musicians who have been invited are Manuela Rodríguez (Argentina), Tadeu de Marco (Brazil), MilitzaIankova and Victor Mitrov (Bulgaria), AlexandroSeguí (Cuba), Henri Hebrard (France), BerthonyJolibois (Haiti), Milena Zivkovic (Serbia), along with special appearances by Yanela Hernández and TonéVicioso (Dominican Republic). The event will also showcase the participation of Peruvian pianist and composer, Ania Paz, who has been living in this country for many years. She will participate in the concert as the musical director. Immigrant Voices in the Dominican Republicis an artistic endeavor that will reflect, on the one hand, the richness of immigrants’ ethnic diversity, and on the other hand, the sensitivity and caring of the Dominican community. Calle Manuel Jesús Troncoso, No. 28, Santo Domingo, DominicanRepublic |
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.