Miguel Reyes Sánchez Wins National Prize at Eduardo León Jimenes Book Fair 2012 “Océanos de tinta y papel” by Miguel Reyes Sánchez, won the National Prize at the Eduardo León Jimenes Book Fair 2012. The 367-page book researches the history of navigation and the development of Dominican maritime industry, revealing in great skill and precision the relationship between man and the sea. The 367-page book researches the history of navigation and the development of Dominican maritime industry, revealing in great skill and precision the relationship between man and the sea. The decision to award this book was made by a jury comprised of the recognized intellectuals Jeannette Miller, Adriano Miguel Tejada and Jose Mármol. They praised the quality of the book saying that, “the unique and singular topic, the importance of the content written in a didactic language along with its contributions to the history of navigation are brought together in a beautiful collection of images in this impeccable visual publication.” The jury called the book, “a magnificent contribution to the national bibliographic heritage.” Miguel Reyes Sánchez received the prize, which included a cash award of $450,000 Dominican pesos and an official certificate, from Stella León, vice president of Corporate Affairs of the León Jimenes Group. She stressed the importance of this book as a contribution to Dominican literary heritage calling it an honor that reflects on local writers and on the León Jimenes Group. About the Author Miguel Eduardo Reyes Sánchez was born in Santo Domingo de Guzmán on April 22, 1966. As an only child, his sense of creativity was awakened at a young age as he turned everything around him into a friend with a first and last name. He formed his own little world around himself. In 1980, he published his first literary work in the national press: the Ventana section of the Listín Diario newspaper and the Ultima Hora Newspaper. He was also a member of the editing team of the Dominicano de la Salle school newspaper, Trípode. That same year marked the definitive turning point in his commitment to writing. He holds a degree in Law from the Pedro Henríquez Ureña National University (UNPHU) where he graduated Cum Laude. Reyes Sánchez has published various research books including “En el Laberinto de las Palabras. Semblanza Histórica de la Realidad Centroamericana,” which is a study of international relations among the nations in this region. He also wrote “Memoria de la Palabra”, “Estudios Jurídicos Bancarios,” “Travesías de un Navegante,” “Desafíos de Fin de Siglo,” “La Creación Literaria en el Siglo XX,” among others. He undertook specialized studies in the areas of International Relations, Banking Law and Economic Integration. He studied at important diplomatic academies and prestigious research centers in the United States, England, Spain, Uruguay, Chile and the People’s Republic of China. He has held important official positions such as the Assistant Ambassador in the Executive Office; Member of the Review Committee for the Financial Monetary Code; the Legal Consultant to the Superintendence of Banks and Technical Ambassador to the Service of the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. |
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.