Call for 2012 Internships in the Public Prosecution Service of Canada The Justice Study Center of the Americas (JSCA) extends an invitation to their Network of Ex-Alumnae and Collaborators of the Inter-American Program to apply for an internship with the Public Prosecution Service of Canada (Federal Public Ministry), whose objective is to become familiar with its practical operation of the criminal justice system of Canada. This internship will take place over a period of three weeks from June 18 to July 6, 2012. One of the activities intended for the network is to strengthen the role played by the members of their respective countries. To that end, the JSCA and the Public Prosecution Service of Canada is offering the opportunity to participate in an internship program in this country. One of the activities intended for the network is to strengthen the role played by the members of their respective countries. To that end, the JSCA and the Public Prosecution Service of Canada is offering the opportunity to participate in an internship program in this country. The internship program is imminently practical and intends for its participants to have direct and meaningful contact with the functioning and habits of the Canadian system especially with the federal penal system. For this reason, the internship will consist of working with Canadian prosecutors in the Office of Penal Prosecution Services of Canada in the cities of Ottawa (for the first two weeks) and Montreal (for the last week). In addition to the above arrangement, there will be a program of interviews and meetings with various individuals involved in the system To apply for this program, interested candidates should fill out an online application by visiting the following link: It is fundamental that those who apply for this internship are available to participate for the projected time-period of June 18 to July 6, 2012. Likewise, it is essential that applicants speak, read and write proficiently in English. Knowledge of English proficiency must be provided at that time of the application. It is preferred that candidates have direct prior experience working in the area of legal prosecution or are intending to pursue a future career in these types of institutions. Eventually, pre-selected applicants will be asked to do a telephone interview in English in order to verify his/her language fluency and capacity to undertake the internship. There are two placements available for this internship. Those chosen for the internship will have the following benefits: – Paid roundtrip passage from country of origin to Canada. – Lodging will be provided throughout the period of the internship. – A stipend for meals and transportation; this will cover basic daily food needs and transportation for official activities connected to the internship. Selected candidates will need to cover the cost of their visa and medical insurance for the period of time they are in Canada. The will be responsible for the visa application process including any visas necessary to enter countries where they might be making connections, like the United States for example. Once the internship is finished, the participants must write a report about their experience in Canada. Applications will be accepted between Wednesday April 4 and Sunday May 6, 2012. Pre-selection and the eventual telephone interviews with candidates will take place during the week of May 7. Final selections will be announced on Friday May 11. In the event that no candidates fit the required profile, the JSCA reserves the right to cancel the call for applications. To answer your questions, contact: CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS DE JUSTICIA DE LAS AMÉRICAS CEJA-JSCA |
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.