Salcedo enters the world of the ICTs through a Community Technology Center The technological tools that can be used to bridge the digital gap between those who have access to information and communication technologies and those who do not are now within the reach of the council members in the community of Salcedo. Suriel emphasized that the goal of the Community Technology Center is to bridge the digital gap and reduce poverty. She is convinced that if people are educated, the vicious cycles of poverty and dependence that exist among human beings will be eliminated. To meet the challenge of bringing information and communication technologies (ICTs) to residents in remote areas, the Office of the First Lady (DPD for its acronym in Spanish) opened today a Community Technology Center (CTC) in Salcedo, where young people and adults will receive training in technology to increase their chances of integrating the workforce. Speaking on behalf of Dr. Margarita Cedeño de Fernández, the Director of Social Programs in the Office of the First Lady, AltagraciaSuriel,stated that the First Lady is very pleased to have been able to set upa Community Technology Center in the Municipality of Salcedo, theland where women who fought for peoples’ freedom were born and lived. She added that this CTC will symbolize the struggle for the people’s dignity since it will increase their freedoms as human beings and nurture the development of their personal and professional skills, so that opportunities will be open for them. Suriel emphasized that the goal of the Community Technology Center is to bridge the digital gap and reduce poverty. She is convinced that if people are educated, the vicious cycles of poverty and dependence that exist among human beings will be eliminated. Each CTC offers digital literacy services, access to databases, fax machines, Internet education programs, job information sources, libraries, and a multi-purpose room for educational and cultural activities. They also have a “Space for Hope” where 3 to 5 year old children receive a comprehensive education from professionals who are specialized in that area. In that way, the children’s cognitive, motor, communication, social, and affective abilities reach their maximum potential, in an atmosphere that fosters mutual coexistence, respect for individual differences, diversity, and the capacity for taking care of the environment. The center also has a CTC Radio, with Modular Frequency (FM), which is a space for dialogue, integration, and participation for all. Its programming includes 70% educational content, used to develop topics of local interest, emphasizing those related to all sorts of abuse and child labor, preventing disease and teen pregnancy, information for housewives, and environmental care and conservation, among others. The event was attended by Jaime David Fernández, former Vicepresident of the Republic; José Armando Tavárez, Director of the InstitutoTecnológico de lasAméricas (ITLA); Neil Checo Valera, Manager of INDOTELS’s Telecommunications Development Fund; Joiner Dario González, in charge of the Community Technology Centers; Engineer José A. García, Assistant Director of the Oficina de IngenierosSupervisores de Obras del Estado (Office of Supervising Engineers for State Projects, OISOE), and Priest Freddy Reynoso, Vicar of the Buen Pastor parish. With this one, there are now 85 Community Technology Centers that have been set up throughout the country by the Office of the First Lady, for the purpose of closing the digital gap and allowing citizens to access the world of infinite knowledge through the Internet, which is the fastest way of communicating with the rest of the country and the world, and so that citizens can prepare themselves to compete in the 21st century, which is considered the knowledge and information age. |
Las ultimas noticias/novedades de lo que acontece con los Dominicanos en las Grandes Ligas durante toda la temporada 2019.