![]() | DIGENOR approved labeling standard for sausages The regulation will enter into force within three months and will allow consumers to find out what are the true components of a product. Guerrero statedthat compliance with these standards will translate into businesses only selling properly labeled sausages. A violation of these standards will make the products subject to seizure by DIGENOR or by Pro Consumidor. The National Commission on Standards and Quality Systems (COMINNOR for its acronym in Spanish) approved a new standard for labeling sausages,with the objective of organizing and correcting the anomalies that existin the market with respect to the making of some of these products. Engineer Manuel Guerrero, Director of DIGENOR, said that the regulation was passed at an emergency meeting held today, and that it will become a mandatory regulation that will enter into force within three months. He statedthat this timely regulation will harmonize the market in our country and that, because of its implementation, consumers will be aware of the actual components of the productsthey are buying. “If itreads Pork Salami, 100% of the meat must be pork,” he explained. He added that the regulation requires the label to include all the nutritional values ??of the product, the manufacturing and expiration dates, the lot number, and it eliminates all types of phrases or statements that tend to confuse or mislead the consumer. Guerrero statedthat compliance with these standards will translate into businesses only selling properly labeled sausages. A violation of these standards will make the products subject to seizure by DIGENOR or by Pro Consumidor. He also emphasized that this standard has resulted from the consensus of the most advancedmeat production sector in the country, the Farmers’ associations, scholars, experts in the field, representatives of the health sector, and the consumers, under the coordination of DIGENOR. He said that the majority of the sausages industries in the country should be the subject of national pride and that they are very well accredited at the regional level. However, there are some small businesses that need to improve their product development standards, especially those relating tocompliancewith good food safety practices. He noted that DIGENOR’sDepartment of Conformity Assessment is available, free of charge, to raise awareness and to assist these small businessesinimproving and adapting, especially in regard to their compliance with the regulation and obtaining the corresponding certification. At the COMINNOR meeting, a total of 29 Nordom-type Standards were approved, three of the ISO regulations were adopted,and the D seal was awarded to different products made by three companies. | |
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.