![]() | Pavel Núñez celebrates a twelve-year career at the Hard Rock Café The concert will take place on September 20 at the Temple of Music with the”El Corredor” band. Titled “Pavel y El Corredor 12 años”, the Singer of “Quédate (Stay)” has prepared a show reminiscent of a 12-year old whiskey, labeling it with the slogan “A Whiskey made and aged with Songs.” On September 20, PavelNúñez celebrates the 12th anniversary of his band El Corredor, with a concert at the Hard Rock Café, in which the original musicians who accompanied him during his debut in the year 2000 will convene. Titled “Pavel y El Corredor 12 años”, the Singer of “Quédate (Stay)” has prepared a show reminiscent of a 12-year old whiskey, labeling it with the slogan “A Whiskey made and aged with Songs.” An All-Star band will accompanyPavel on this anniversary, making good music the protagonist of an otherwise exceptional evening. Rafa Payán (Guitar), Luis Payán (Guitar), Guy Frómeta (Drums), David Vásquez (Bass), and renowned saxophonist Sandy Gabriel, as a special guest, will accompany Pavel on stage. At this reunion, the soloist and Grammynominee will use the songs that have sustained his successful career and will reveal anecdotes and stories that demonstrate a path made from quality work. “Our reunion on September 20 at the ‘Temple of Music’will be nice because we will be remembering anecdotes and stories of what we experienced during this project and also why we have remained so in love with this profession,” the artist said. Pavel Núñez has a career that exceeds fifteen years; however, his official launching took place in the year 2000 with his production “Paso a Paso (Step by Step)”, which is a reflection of the gradual process that is reminiscent of his rising career. With that first work he won the prestigious CasandraPrize, in the category Revelation of the Year, thanks to his hits “Paso a Paso (Step by Step)”, “Bethania”, “Te Di (I gave you)”, “Canción de Cuna (Lullaby)”, “Chepe”, “Ahoraquetetengo Tom (Now that I have you Tom)” and “Se MurióMartí (Marti died).” Winner of multiple Cassandra Prizes in the categories of Revelation of the Year, Soloist Artist of the Year, Concert of the Year, and nominated for a Grammy in the year 2010 in the category of Best Album by Singer-Songwriter,together with Silvio Rodríguez and the winner of the Academy Award, Jorge Drexler. A very bright career will be unveiled during the two-hour concert next September 20 at the Hard Rock Café, on the 12th anniversary of PavelNúñez and El Corredor which, without a doubt, will be one unforgettable evening. Credits: Name of the concert: “Pavel y El Corredor 12 Años (Pavel and El Corredor 12 Years)” Slogan: “Un Whiskey hecho y añejado a base de canciones(A Whiskey made and aged with songs)” Location: Hard Rock Cafe, SD. Time: 9:00 pm. Cost: RD$1,000.00 Pesos per person.
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Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.