Dominicana Online » Noticias » Recycling Workshops Given to Students in Villa Gautier, San Pedro de Macorís

Recycling Workshops Given to Students in Villa Gautier, San Pedro de Macorís

Recycling Workshops Given to Students in Villa  Gautier, San Pedro de Macorís

Recycling Workshops Given to Students in Villa Gautier, San Pedro de Macorís
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 9/14/2012

The Pan-American Investment Consortium and the Estrella companies, as part of their policy of social responsibility with a focus on strengthening education and protecting the environment, are sponsoring a recycling workshop for students at the Villa Gautier School in San Pedro de Macorís.

With the purpose of contributing to the workshop, the Estrella companies and the Pan-American Investment Consortium are urging their respective employees to recycle bottles, shoeboxes and juice boxes and cans.

The workshop,involving 40 children, was coordinated by Dr. KeniaGarcía,with orientations by the architect, Luisa Morales, GeneralManager of the company.

Dr.García directly coordinated the workshop with the school principal, ProfessorZeneidaOzunawho expressed profound satisfaction with the activity as it promotes protection of the environment and contributes to the education of children and teens to learn to reuse objects and put them to their best use.

With the purpose of contributing to the workshop, the Estrella companies and the Pan-American Investment Consortium are urging their respective employees to recycle bottles, shoeboxes and juice boxes and cans.

Students used these materials to make plastic flowers, paper holders, glass carriers and napkin holders among other objects. They did these projects under the instructions of recyclyng teachers GlennysGrullón andLesbiaCollado.

The children sang, danced and an exquisite variety of snacks all shared in a healthy, fun atmosphere. This workshop was part of the activities planned by the Pan-American Investment Consortium, developed under the responsibility of Luisa Morales, architect, and coordinated by Dr. KeniaGarcía, occupational doctor of the business group.

Recycling Workshops Given to Students in Villa  Gautier, San Pedro de Macorís

The instructor is showing the students of Villa Gautier School how to make objects from used material at the recycling workshop

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